Britain is on track to be its warmest year on record due to an Indian summer that will bring 21C temperatures just before Halloween (70F).
The UK will have a pleasant period, especially at night, thanks to warm air from Africa, according to the Met Office.
The greatest day will be today since there will be the most sunlight, according to Simon Partridge of the Met Office. There will be a four to five degree increase in temperature.
But this week, certain areas of the North will be plagued by predictions of thick clouds and downpours.
Every month this year has seen temperatures greater than usual, Mr. Partridge said.
This week, the temperature might reach 21 C. But even though it will be quite moderate, it won’t be very pleasant.
“It’s going to be windy, and it’s going to rain quite a little.” Although warm, the weather won’t be too comfortable. It will be significantly milder at night since we are bringing in air from the south. Typically, during this time of year, the warm nights have a greater impact on average monthly temperatures than the pleasant days.
Since the Met Office started keeping statistics in 1884, the nine months from January to September were the warmest of the year.
It’s still too early, according to Mr. Partridge, to say if the mild weather will linger until the end of the year.
“Toward the conclusion of the month, it seems to become a little colder.” I think for Halloween, that is quite decent, since it seems like largely high pressures are bringing things down a little bit, with normal daytime temps and cool evenings.
Currently, every month has been reported as being above normal, but it is unclear how much of that will level out by the end of the year.
It is quite uncommon to have such a lengthy stretch of months when every single one has been higher than normal.