Brazen woman tries to get her date – who showed up 1.5 hours late – to buy food for her kids

A mother who sought to punish a man for being late for a date by having him pay for takeout for her kids was in for a shock.

The video, which Raphousetv posted to Twitter, shows the contentious incident in which the man tries to stop the woman from ordering food for her children.

The video caused a rift on the internet, with some defending the mother and others arguing that while it being impolite of him to arrive late, he is not obligated to provide them with food.

The woman in the video asks the man, “So you don’t think you owe me after making me wait an hour and a half?”

Woman on a date wants the man to order two takeout meals so she may give some to her kids at home.

Who is at fault in this scenario?

December 13, 2022 — Raphousetv (RHTV) (@raphousetv2)

On Twitter, the video has received more than 6.4 million views.

Since being posted in December, the video has received more than 6.4 million views on the social media platform.

There has also been a significant debate with more than 18,000 participants.

After they had finished their own meals, the couple can be seen in the disputed video talking about the food the woman is ordering to go.

He inquires about the purpose of the meal she is ordering, and the woman responds, “You already had me waiting for an hour and a half, so it’s for my kids.”

You do really owe me that.

Are they not with their father? The man replies by asking.

The server taking their order, who is caught in the midst, laughs aloud at the man’s reaction. The man opposes her, telling her to deliver the check instead, while the waitress leaves and the woman on the date places her order.

The woman’s side has been taken by some, who claim that it was the least he could do after having her wait.

Others claim that it is not at all his responsibility to pay for the children’s meals.

I’ll be paying for both my meal and your meal, so bring the check. He responds, “I’m not covering the supper for your kids.”

You are paying for my kids’ supper, too, she retorts angrily.

She grows upset when the man repeatedly says “no” and says he won’t pay for the other dinner.

So, after making me wait an hour and a half, you don’t think you owe me anything? she queries.


Should he provide food for her children?

3, no votes
Yes, one vote.

The man admits that he does owe her money and promises to “take her out,” but he once more declines to cover the cost of the extra meals.

After being instructed to place the meal order three times, the waitress, Kiara, who was handling the situation, retreated into the rear.

The man orders a steak with potatoes for one of his date’s children, an eight-year-old kid, while joking, “I’m not paying for any of that.”

The man queries, “He’s eight and eating steak?”

For her five-year-old, she also tries to place an order for chicken tenders.

Regarding the meal he reuses to pay for, the man replies, “You’re going to get her fired up in here.”

Don’t put that order in! the man cries towards the restaurant’s kitchen while the conversation at the table continues.

Don’t charge those youngsters on my account, he commands. They’re not my kids, she said.

He is then yelled at by a woman, who tells him to leave the kitchen and that his server would handle it.

The two argue, occasionally including the waitress in their discussion

As she attempts to place more orders, the man informs her that although he does owe her for being late, he will not pay for the additional meals.

He informs other diners what the woman is attempting, saying: “She’s trying to put a bill on me and they aren’t my kids,” as he makes his way back to the table.

The man says, “I’m late for the date; she’s pressuring me to acquire some for her and her kids.”

One diner replies right away, “What’s wrong with that?”

When the man replies that it is his first date and that he has never met the kids, someone else replies, “You were late.

He said, “Come on y’all, y’all ain’t on my side?” Nobody is on my side, man, but it’s cool.

The two are back at the table when the video ends, and the man requests a box to go.

It’s unclear if there will be a second date or if he paid for the meals.

Getting the kids’ lunches was described as the “basic minimum” by one person.

When the woman tried to answer, one Twitter user just typed “naw.”

People who saw the video and saw both his and her perspective had strong opinions.

“Your children merit better. One woman, who was speaking in support of the mom in the video, stated, “He’s lucky you remained because it sure wouldn’t have been me.”

One verified Twitter user just typed the word “nay” in response to the woman’s request for the man to pay.

while you’re dating or after a woman who has children. If it makes sense, you are dating their children as well. A minimum of taking her time away from her children was making sure they had food. There should be no issue if she asks. Sincerely, you ought to offer occasionally, one individual stated.

You just left your children starving at home to go on a date? Another wrote, “Lmaooo.”

Twitter users disagreed on whether it was his responsibility to cover the cost of the meal.

One individual concurred that “genuine men” would pay for the meal, but claimed that “real women” shouldn’t inquire.

While everyone agreed that the man should have paid, opinions on how things played out varied.

“REAL MEN wouldn’t object to this,” he said. Always protect and provide shelter for women and children, one woman wrote.

Real guys wouldn’t have a problem with it, as one commenter observed, but a real woman wouldn’t even ask the question in the first place.

»Brazen woman tries to get her date – who showed up 1.5 hours late – to buy food for her kids«

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