Breeder shouts at airport personnel after airline prohibits him from seeing his dogs

When airline workers informed a heartbroken passenger that he would not be able to visit his dogs, shocking footage was captured of the passenger’s subsequent meltdown.

The breeder is seen pleading with airport staff before descending into a tantrum

Joao Paulo de Costa, a dog breeder from Criciuma, Brazil, and five of his Papillon spaniels had traveled to the Philippines to compete in a dog beauty contest.

When he arrived at Istanbul airport upon his return from the competition, he discovered that the airline had canceled his connecting connection to Switzerland, where he had planned to see friends.

With one of his beloved dogs in tow, Joao approached the airline’s assistance desk to inquire about the whereabouts of his other animals, but claims he was denied access.

Joao is seen in the depths of misery when the airline informs him that he cannot see his dogs.Joao had attended a dog beauty contest with his Papillon spaniels in the Philippines before he arrived in Istanbul

The breeder is observed pleading with airport personnel before throwing a tantrum.

Prior to his arrival in Istanbul, Joao had competed with his Papillon spaniels in a beauty contest in the Philippines.

Joo was overpowered by what he later described as a “supernatural force” as the situation rapidly deteriorated.

Joao could be seen in the throes of madness, yelling and pleading for the airline to show him the animals in social media clips that were posted by witnesses.

Where are my canines?! I have four dogs. I cannot see my canines! Show me my canines! Where! You’re nuts!’ Joao exclaimed.

‘My children! He cried, “I want to see my dogs!” before collapsing to the floor and sobbing uncontrollably.

A video of the incredible outburst became popular on the social networking website TikTok, receiving over 6 million views.

Joao went around the concourse yelling at the workers to allow him to view the dogs.

Later, he fell to the ground, stomped on the airport floor, and wailed.The dog breeder later addressed the tantrum in an Instagram post, claiming he was overtaken by a 'supernatural force'  in his despair

In a subsequent Instagram post, the dog breeder addressed his outburst, stating he was overcome by a “supernatural force”

On route to the Philippines, Joao is spotted with his pets.

Joao stated to the Brazilian news site Globo in his home state of Santa Catarina that the airline had canceled his connecting flight owing to overbooking, but could not initially identify the four dogs that were supposed to be traveling in the hold.

I stated, “I have four dogs in the aircraft’s cargo hold. I need to know their location. The breeder told Globo, “If my flight is canceled, I want to see my dogs.”

Later, the matter was settled when airport police intervened and told the airline to find the dogs and reunite them with their owner.

Joao told MailOnline, “As soon as I saw the dogs, I became calm! I did not have the opportunity to have human children, so the dogs are my children.

Joao is seen with his pets on the way to the Philippines

They participate in dog exhibitions with me, and we have a very happy life! They are my life, my world, so I would do anything to protect them.

Joao stated in an Instagram video produced in response to the viral video that the problem at the airport was soon addressed.

“Thank God, we got in Switzerland safely. Everyone is quite content,’ he remarked.

»Breeder shouts at airport personnel after airline prohibits him from seeing his dogs«

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