Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Affairs says “we shall surely continue to support Uganda”

The Cuban government has received praise from Speaker Anita Among for continuing to support the implementation of numerous development programs in Uganda.

On Sunday, June 26, 2022, at the Hotel Africana in Kampala, Among met with Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“I acknowledge the instrumental role that your government is playing towards the improvement of our education, agriculture and most importantly, in the health sector,” Among said.

She praised Cuban doctors in particular for their contribution to the founding of Mbarara University of Science and Technology, which has since graduated over 1,000 medical professionals.

According to Parrilla, “Cuba is willing to enhance ties with Uganda towards socioeconomic transformation… we shall surely continue to support Uganda.”

Since Cuba established a diplomatic presence in Kampala in the 1960s, ties between Uganda and Cuba have been excellent.

Through the Non-Aligned Movement, the G77, and the United Nations, the two nations have strengthened one another’s standing at international fora, according to Parrilla, where they have always supported and preserved their shared strategic political and economic interests.

Speaker Among also commended President Museveni for his ongoing efforts to forge strategic social, political, and economic alliances with various nations.

For instance, in 2018, President Kaguta Museveni met with a group of specialized Cuban scientists at State House Entebbe to collaborate with local specialists on the development of the anti-tick acaricide Gavac and to improve the training of medical professionals in Uganda.

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