Camera Vandalism Plagues Low Traffic Neighborhood in East London

In a single low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) located in Stoke Newington, east London, a camera has had to be replaced an astonishing seven times in less than two years due to acts of vandalism.

This incident is just one among many instances where dozens of cameras have been sabotaged as part of a wider revolt against traffic measures.

According to the data obtained by LBC, Hackney suffered the most significant damage from vandalism.

Coban affirmed that the Council is working closely with the police to identify and apprehend those responsible for the vandalism, as they are aware of the culprits, noting that it involves a small group of people.

The anger directed towards the Mayor’s Ulez expansion to outer London boroughs played a significant role in influencing the election’s outcome.

As the review progresses, decisions regarding the future of LTNs, Ulez, and other traffic measures will have far-reaching implications for both drivers and the environment.