FASDs are a group of disorders that can occur in a person who was exposed to alcohol during fetal development. FASD has lifetime impacts, including
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Accidental Punctures by Sharp Objects
Approximately 3.8% to 8% of police officers [Cepeda et al. 2017; Davis et al. 2014] reported experiencing a needlestick injury. Officers may be exposed to
Personal Experiences with Sickle Cell
What exactly is sickle cell anemia?Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a series of genetic blood abnormalities that can cause red blood cells to become rigid
QualityWatch says UK health system was under pressure even before Covid
Analysis shows that Covid cannot be held completely responsible for the size of the NHS backlog and that waiting lists would have remained at “alarming”
Top 5 Mental Health Difficulties Students Are Facing In 2022
Are you feeling stressed out? Keeping up with school can be a lot harder when you are dealing with mental health issues. Discover the latest
Same Day Tooth Extraction Surgery – Everything You Need to Know Beforehand
If you’re scheduled for a same day tooth extraction, you may be feeling a mix of anxiety and excitement. After all, you’re one step closer
8 Best Workout Apps To Get Physical
More of us are choosing to work out from home, as it is more convenient for those that are short on time, and it allows
The Best Medical Technologies In 2022
Medical technologies have come a long way in the last few years, showing no signs of slowing down. Do you want to know more about
Bronchodilators don’t help smoking-related respiratory symptoms in adults without COPD
Researchers supported by the National Institutes of Health discovered that dual bronchodilators – long-lasting inhalers that relax the airways and make it easier to breathe
Best Tips to Quit Smoking
Smoking has long been recognized as one of the leading lifestyle-related causes of disease, death, and hospitalizations. Some suggest that cigarette smoking has increased so