Celebrate Community by Participating in Neighbor Day Acts of Kindness

It’s that time of year again. Time to roll up your sleeves, chip in, and give back to your community in celebration of Neighbor Day! Established in 1995, Neighbor Day began with a suggestion by Phinney Ridge activist Judith Wood that the City of Seattle designate “a special day to celebrate the goodness in those around us and to reach out and strengthen our bonds to each other.”

This year, we invite all Seattle residents to celebrate Neighbor Day on Saturday, May 7 by indulging in random acts of kindness, reaching out to neighbors, making new friends, and expressing thanks to those who help make your neighborhood a great place to live. Residents, businesses, and community groups are all encouraged to participate however they like. The main goal is simply to reach out and connect with your neighbors through generosity.

One great way to give back this spring is by participating in the One Seattle Day of Service on May 21. This citywide day of action is an open invitation for every Seattle neighbor to come together help beautify Seattle through volunteer opportunities in every neighborhood! Learn more or register by visiting: www.seattle.gov/mayor/one-seattle-initiatives/day-of-service

The list below may help stimulate some ideas for your own acts of kindness. But, really, all you need to do for inspiration is look around—there are so many great examples all over Seattle and our region, every single day.

As you plan and perform your acts of kindness, we only ask that you:

  • Keep in mind the communities that have been most impacted by the pandemic—our elders, our healthcare and frontline workers, our Asian Pacific Islander community, our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities, our immigrant/refugee communities, and our unhoused community.
  • Share your stories to inspire others. Use #NeighborDay and #OneSeattle on social media to tell us about an act of kindness you performed or witnessed.

Neighbor Day Ideas

  • Register for OneSeattle Day of Service on May 21.
  • Drop flowers or a thank you note at neighbor’s mailbox/walkway.
  • Host a neighborhood potluck, pancake breakfast, or spaghetti feed.
  • Create chalk art or messages in front of neighbor’s house.
  • Buy and deliver groceries for a neighbor in need.
  • Organize a game, sporting event, block party, or group art project.
  • Have a neighborhood treasure hunt.
  • Start a Neighborhood Joy Board or outdoor art gallery.
  • Help neighbors that are homebound with yard work/weeding.
  • Organize a neighborhood cleanup effort.
  • Cook a meal or make a treat for your neighbors.
  • Donate materials to or create a Little Free Library or Pantry in your neighborhood.
  • Use gift cards from local businesses to create your own #PayItForward campaign.
  • Organize a food drive for your local food bank.

Celebrate Community by Participating in Neighbor Day Acts of Kindness Thank You

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