Chelsea Manning’s leaks makes her famous

Chelsea Manning became well-known as a result of her release of sensitive and confidential information.

Her life would be impacted by the choice for many years. Manning presents her side of the story in her latest book, “README.txt: A Memoir,” in her own words.

“I haven’t really been able to explain my narrative or provide my side of the events. So, consider this to be the first account of history from my viewpoint, or my first draft, if you will. Although I did give some brief testimony during the court-martial, I feel as if I haven’t really had a chance to speak out much at all “She said.

During her time as a U.S. Army intelligence analyst, Manning downloaded roughly 750,000 sensitive and secret military and diplomatic documents. Manning describes her reactions in README.txt.

Later, in 2010, she provided them to WikiLeaks. One of the biggest unauthorised releases of public records in American history.

She was found guilty on 20 counts, including theft and espionage, and received a 35-year jail term. Because spending almost seven years of her sentence, she was freed in 2017 after the previous President Obama commuted it.

When she was in Iraq, Manning said she experienced cognitive dissidence, which contributed to her choice to deliver the papers to WikiLeaks.

“One of my main objectives was to try to — I always felt that there was the narrative that was occurring on the ground, particularly whenever I was in Iraq, and I always thought of myself as a pretty, you know, knowledgeable citizen before this and very well-trained at my profession. Additionally, there was a cognitive inconsistency between what was conveyed with the public and what I was really seeing on the ground “saying Manning

She claims that for over 10 years after the disclosures, many people in the nation no longer see her as a traitor or a criminal.

“I believe there was more of it a few years ago, but I just don’t feel like I’m getting the same comments now,” she remarked, “as I would have in maybe 2010 or 2013.

Due to a government vetting procedure, Manning had to remove certain information about the leak from the book.

Additionally, Manning’s transition process is described in “README.txt” when she was incarcerated in a military facility and sought hormone therapy via the federal court system. She said she wanted to draw attention to the struggle she had to go through to get treatment.

“I’m only attempting to describe my experience. I certainly needed access to care, and I believe I was able to get it. You know, there was some fighting involved. In the end, I received that access to treatment “said Manning “Being trans may, in my opinion, be made out to be more than it really is because, after going through the transition process, you kind of complete, like you integrate into society. And so, you know, I’m really looking forward to that portion.”

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