Chris Larmer, SLC Executive Director, Operations, encourages students to use their online account to track application status

The return of warmer weather is greatly appreciated, and as the holiday season approaches, many students will be anticipating a well-deserved break from their studies.

It’s the busiest time of the year for the SLC Operations team.

Our current focus is on ensuring that students who are starting or returning to school in the fall have their finances in order from the start.

We successfully launched all of our services for the 22–23 academic year.

This year, we anticipate receiving over 1.5 million applications. This is a significant number, but it represents the core of our responsibility as enablers of student opportunity, so we are prepared for it.

You could forgive students for not planning ahead for the start of the academic year at this time because September seems so far away and many of them will be focused on finishing coursework, setting up summer jobs, and hopefully fitting in a vacation.

However they choose to spend their time over the holidays, we advise them to organize their student loans.

The application deadline for new students was May 20, but if they missed it, they should still apply as soon as possible.

It is possible to submit an application without having a confirmed place at a university or college, and there is no need to wait for clearing, even if they are awaiting those crucial exam results.

To ensure that all of their funding is in place for the start of their course, continuing students should reapply by June 24. But if students need to apply after the deadline, don’t worry—there is still time.

Even if an application is submitted after the deadline, students will still receive the minimum amount of student aid to get them started so they can afford to start their course.

It’s simple to apply and shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes for the majority of students.

The majority of applicants can now complete their applications digitally by uploading supporting documentation, updating personal information, and monitoring next steps via their online accounts because we improved the service this year to make it more user-friendly and helpful. We also have a ton of information online and short videos that walk viewers through the process if they need it.

The application takes up to six to eight weeks to process after submission; if additional information is required, we will contact you.

Students don’t need to worry or contact anyone for an update on progress because they can access their online account from wherever they are this summer to view the status of their application.

Our operations team has a busy but rewarding few months ahead of them as we focus on what we do best: helping students invest in their futures and making sure the 22/23 academic year starts off without a hitch.

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