Christian Walker speaks on abortion allegation against his father

Following allegations that the pro-life politician surreptitiously paid for an ex lover’s abortion, Herschel Walker, a contentious contender for the Georgia Senate, has just one identified child, who has spoken out.

The former NFL player’s son with his college sweetheart, Cindy Grossman, Christian Walker, 22, said on Twitter: “Every family member of Herschel Walker advised him not to run for government, since we all knew (parts of) his background.”

He said, “Each and every one. He made the decision to throw us the middle finger and flaunt his dirty laundry in front of everyone while also lying about it.

The recent report that the former football star paid for a partner’s abortion in 2009 has been refuted by Walker’s campaign.

A spokeswoman for Walker’s team referred to The Daily Beast’s bombshell new piece as a “fake narrative” in response to the lady in question showing the report a customized check and card she got from Walker.

Also on Twitter, Christian wrote: “I know my mom and I would really appreciate it if my father Herschel Walker quit lying and making a mockery of us.”

You’re not a “family guy,” he said, “when you threatened to murder us, left us to beat up a lot of ladies, and forced us to relocate six times in six months to escape your aggression.”

For his part, Christian espouses extreme pro-life views on his social media channels
In May, he joked in a TikTok video that women fighting for abortion rights shouldn't worry about reproductive rights because they are too unattractive to have sex'
He said in a December 2020 tweet: 'Liberals hate women who aren't man-hating lesbians or weekly abortion patients'

I don’t care about someone who has a troubled history and accepts responsibility, he said in closing. But how could you misrepresent yourself as a “moral, Christian, honest man”? You’ve led a life that has DESTROYED the lives of others. How rude of you.

When his child sent him texts, Walker replied, “I LOVE my son no matter what.”

Christian retaliated by tweeting: “You have 4 childs that we know of and you weren’t in the home parenting ONE of them, you were out cheating and lying,” which has since been removed.

If you loved your children, he said, you would be raising them rather than seeking for a senate seat to stroke your ego.

Christian, on the other hand, strongly supports life on social media.

He made light of reproductive rights in May, joking that women pushing for abortion rights shouldn’t worry about them since they are too ugly to have sex.

In a tweet from December 2020, he claimed: “Liberals detest women who aren’t weekly abortion patients or man-hating homosexuals.”

It’s not my responsibility to pay for your abortion since you couldn’t seal your legs, he wrote a month later. My taxes ought to be put to good use.

Walker’s attorney, Robert Ingram, told the website: “All you want to do is use tales to go against black conservatives.” You emphasize conservative Blacks.

One of the most watched Senate races in the nation is in Georgia as Republicans attempt to regain control of Congress.

Walker will run against current Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock in the November election.

Walker said in May 2022 that he is always against abortion. Reporters were informed by him that he saw no exceptions. I do believe in life, as I said. I have faith in life.

You never know what a youngster will grow out to be, he said. And I’ve seen several individuals who have had difficult circumstances; nonetheless, I always maintained that “tough situations produce tough people.”

Walker has asked for more adoption money as well as assistance for single parents.

The unnamed lady displayed a receipt for the operation dated September 2009 to a reporter.

The lady also got a $700 payment in the same month along with a get well card with the words “Rest,” “Relax,” and “Recover.”

The lady was also able to provide evidence that she had a romantic connection with Walker, according to the Daily Beast.

Walker announced his intention to sue the Daily Beast after the article’s release and promised to do so on Tuesday.

This is a flat-out falsehood, and I categorically refute it, he stated in a statement that was posted on his social media pages.

The statement said, “This is just another disgusting hatchet job by a Democrat activist posing as a reporter who has relentlessly assaulted my family and sought to bring me down since this election began.”

He has tormented friends of mine by questioning whether I am the father of their children, it said. He described my childs as a “secret” since I didn’t want to utilize them in a political campaign as “campaign props.”

They are now employing an anonymous source to further defame me, the message ended. To continue in power, they will do anything. It’s filthy, rotten politics.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Walker said in August 2022 that with regards to the November midterm elections, abortion was something “that people are not worried about.”

Despite this, he made a statement in September highlighting the pro-choice record of his rival.

‘Raphael Warnock wants to safeguard the slaughter of newborns right up to the time of delivery,’ Walker stated of Warnock. We need to improve.

Walker supported Senator Lindsay Graham’s call to outlaw abortions beyond 15 weeks, when the majority of women are not even aware they are pregnant, last month.

In an undercover conversation conducted in June with Walker by a liberal activist acting as one of his fans, Walker insisted on never having paid for an abortion.

Right-wing activist Erick Erickson tweeted shortly after the Daily Beast’s report went live: “I thought we all knew this. Aside from that, individuals and old news do change with time.

After some time, Erickson corrected his comments, saying: “On the Walker stuff, it may not have been public, but I’m very confident one of his opponents told me it was hearsay.”

I believed it was public, but it may not have been, he continued. It was undoubtedly discussed in private conversations.

In his book Breaking Free from 2008, Walker made his mental condition public. He claimed that he had a dissociative identity disorder diagnosis. Walker described creating up to a dozen personas, or “alters,” as a defensive strategy against the bullying he experienced as an overweight, stuttering youngster.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the disease is characterized by a person “alternating between several identities” and “gaps in recall of everyday experiences.” Men with the disease often “display more aggressive conduct rather than forgetfulness,” according to the report.

Walker admits having aggressive tendencies in his book. He described playing Russian roulette and remembered aiming a loaded revolver with one bullet at his head while seated at his kitchen table in 1991. Walker said that he wasn’t suicidal but rather “simply looked at death as the ultimate challenge.”

Walker offered a turnaround tale, claiming that he had made the decision to “stop running and confront some tough truths” in 2001. He listed his Christian religion and treatment as inspirations.

His turning point came when he was driving his automobile to confront a guy who had “messed with my schedule” and contemplated shooting the man. Walker adjusted his direction after seeing a bumper sticker that said “SMILE,” the author claimed. THE JESUS LOVES YOU.

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