Tokyo — According to Tokyo prosecutors, the co-creator of the iconic video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog has been detained for alleged insider trading. A document seen by AFP indicates that Yuji Naka, a 57-year-old programmer famed for creating Sonic and other important games at Japanese gaming company Sega, was detained on Friday.
According to a document from the Tokyo District Prosecutor’s Office, Naka’s alleged wrongdoing occurred over three years ago, when he was employed at “Final Fantasy” producer Square Enix.
Yuji Naka, a Japanese video game creator, tweeted a snapshot of himself pointing at displays showcasing a new game he developed in December 2021. Twitter/Yuji Naka
Naka is suspected of purchasing stock in another gaming business, Aiming, when he knew they were developing a new game in collaboration with Square Enix.
According to the paper, he acquired 10,000 shares of Aiming for 2.8 million yen ($20,000) in January 2020, and the new game was unveiled the following month.
Thursday, prosecutors detained two additional former Square Enix workers for alleged insider trading related to Aiming.
On social media, Naka’s admirers expressed shock and dismay at the news that he was unavailable for remark.
“Please tell me that’s not the case. He gave Sonic his life… I’m very sad, “one user on Twitter commented.
“He worked on several excellent games. So disappointed, “reported another
The programmer said on the website of the game firm he created, Prope, that he wants to make “games that surprise and excite youngsters throughout the world.”