CO poisoning hospitalizes mother and two children

After a vehicle was left running all night in their garage, a mom and two kids were sent to the hospital with carbon monoxide poisoning.

Around 8.30am on Friday, emergency personnel hurried to a house in Maylands, Perth, where they discovered the three lying on the floor, unconscious.

The mother, who was allegedly in her 30s, and the two children—a teenager and a child—were attended to at the house by paramedics before being sent to the hospital.

According to the firefighters’ findings, the family house had a high gas level.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Fire and Emergency Services verified the high readings and the poisonings were caused by an idling automobile in the garage.

The lady is now getting care at Perth Children’s Hospital’s Fiona Stanley Hospital among young patients.

The West Australian, a local newspaper, said that firefighters used fans to air the property in order to bring the level of the chemical inside down to safe levels.

According to a spokesman, police have not yet looked into the cause of the poisoning.

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