Cockapoo Lottie saves Frenchie Harley from hot tub

Real-life Lassie! Moment Lottie the Cockapoo warns her owner and saves five-year-old French Bulldog Harley from nearly drowning in the family hot tub.

Lottie (white Cockapoo) and Harley (French Bulldog) are back to solid ground and being best friends after the traumatic hot tub incident in which Harley nearly drowned

Lottie (white Cockapoo) and Harley (French Bulldog) are back to solid ground and being best friends after the traumatic hot tub incident in which Harley nearly drowned

After Lottie loudly barked at the back door, owner Eva Davidson, 13, ran to the hot tub once she realised Harley was in danger

Harley fell into the hot tub (pictured falling) after jostling about with Lottie

Lottie (pictured) tried to help Harley before going to get help in a real-life Lassie moment

Eva takes a seat after rushing to save Harley from drowning

Eva was able to save Harley the French Bulldog (pictured together) from drowning in a hot tub after Lottie the Cockapoo was able to get her attention

A little dog had a Lassie-like experience after her friend fell into a hot spa.
Lottie the Cockapoo worried when she saw Harley the Bulldog struggling in the water.

The 13-week-old dog dashed to the door and barked until the owner’s arrival.

A puppy imitated the exploits of the famous collie Lassie after alerting its owner when its friend slipped into the household hot pool and nearly drowned.

Harley, a five-year-old French Bulldog, was relaxing on the hot tub cover when Lottie, a 13-week-old Cockapoo, began to play and jostle.

The weight of both dogs bouncing around on one side of the hot tub causes the improperly closed lid to collapse into the water.

Harley is thrown headfirst into the warm water with no means of escape.

After the horrific hot tub episode in which Harley almost drowned, Lottie (white Cockapoo) and Harley (French Bulldog) have returned to being best buddies.

After Lottie growled loudly at the back door, thirteen-year-old owner Eva Davidson rushed to the hot tub when she realized Harley was in danger.

Harley fell into the hot tub (shown as falling) following scuffles with Lottie.

In a real-life Lassie moment, Lottie attempted to assist Harley before seeking assistance.

After rushing to prevent Harley from drowning, Eva takes a seat.

Lottie the Cockapoo was able to gain Eva’s attention, which allowed her to save Harley the French Bulldog from drowning in a hot tub.

Fortunately, Lottie recognizes her predicament instantly and searches furiously for a method to assist.

She quickly realizes she cannot pull Harley out of the water, so she dashes to the back door and begins to call for assistance.

After hearing Lottie from inside, 13-year-old owner Eva Davidson rushes to the backyard and discovers Harley on the verge of drowning.

She instantly runs over and saves his life by plucking him from the sea.

Eva notified her 54-year-old father, Stephen Davidson, about the incident. He then examined his security camera, which had captured the entire episode.

Eva’s dad Stephen stated that French Bulldogs are ineffective swimmers due to their solid bones and hefty heads.

Stephen, from Ballynahinch, Northern Ireland, stated, “When I heard Harley had fallen in the tub, I knew my CCTV would have captured the incident.”

We reviewed the clip again, and Lottie’s reaction is remarkable.

She recognizes that he is in danger and raises the alarm on purpose.

Because French Bulldogs have solid bones and hefty heads, they are poor swimmers.

When Harley fell in, I can only imagine how terrified he was, and if it weren’t for Lottie, he certainly would have drowned.

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