Social media users labeled a father of four-month-old twins a “deadbeat” after he complained that his spouse, who is on maternity leave, is “constantly nagging” him for money.
Mark informed his pal Jessica that his partner Caitlyn receives parental leave benefits.
However, her new wages are a fraction of her previous income, and she can no longer afford the couple’s agreement to split expenses 50/50, let alone pay for all the necessities for the two infants.
Therefore, he complained to Jessica that Caitlyn is “constantly nagging him and demanding his money.”
Jessica explained in a Reddit post, “He said he is afraid she will start treating him like an ATM, but he won’t let her.”
Jessica’s thread was received with rapid fury on both Reddit and Facebook, where fans sided with Caitlyn and labeled Mark a “deadbeat.”
If she left him, he would have to pay much more in child support. That is precisely what she ought to do. Someone wrote that she must feel so lonely in this relationship.
While a second added, “She ought to begin billing you day and night for twins’ care… That will eliminate selfishness immediately!”
“This guy really needs to mature. I’m curious as to how much of the housekeeping he truly contributes, and whether or not he shares equally.
“Man up and mature. “The 50/50 agreement applied while she was working and children are expensive,” stated another. Stop acting as if your wife is only responsible for the children; they are your children as well.
Jessica expressed disbelief at her friend’s position.
“Caitlyn is caring for four-month-old twins by herself all day, while Mark contributes the same amount of money as during Caitlyn’s maternity leave, despite earning six times as much,” she wrote.
In addition, she informed Mark that he was acting like a slacker, which did not go over well.
“He stated that the money is sufficient for his family, and he will ultimately use the savings to purchase a home. He bellowed, “I dare not call him a deadbeat because he is building their future.”
The majority of Reddit users said Mark should provide more, given that Caitlyn is donating her time (and body, sleep, and energy) to the children.
One person stated, “He has equal responsibilities to support his children and their mother.”
“By reducing his wife to nothing more than a financial contribution in the home, he not only disregards the vast amount of unpaid work she does to keep his children safe and healthy, but he also demeans her personhood.”
Others stated that parents should collaborate rather than compete.
One participant stated, “If a person is contributing more money than their partner, they are not losing or being taken advantage of.”
“That is more important to them than making sure their child has everything he or she needs, and they want their wife to pay for everything their children need so they can keep their ‘hard-earned money’.”
“If she divorces him, he will realize just how much child support is,” remarked a third person.
»Dad lambasted for saying twins’ mom treats him “like an ATM” on maternity leave«