After finding an acupuncture needle during an X-ray of a boy’s penis, the doctors were left speechless.
After examining the 11-year-old kid who had been having trouble urinating, the medical professionals found the distressing finding.
The youngster was sent to Jiangxi Children’s Hospital in Jiangxi Province, central China, for an X-ray since his suffering could not be explained.
Following the scan, physicians were astounded to discover an 8cm needle had been put up his bladder tube and into his penis, according to the Mirror.
After being questioned, the youngster acknowledged sticking the needle into his urethra on his own out of “boredom” and to see whether it was feasible.
The youngster had put the needle 12 hours before being discovered, rendering him unable to pee, according to chief medic Rao Pinde.
He sought assistance when his penis started to hurt, but he remained silent about what he had done. As a result, he was taken to surgery, where the needle was removed using a minimally invasive procedure utilising an endoscope that helped identify the needle.
After the procedure, the youngster was subsequently permitted to return home.
A twice-sized sewing needle that became lodged in a 10-year-old boy’s urethra last year had to be retrieved via his penis.
After trying unsuccessfully to remove the 9 cm-long item for more than three hours, the nameless Iranian youngster was transported to the hospital.
The child inserted the needle into his urethra, which transports pee and semen, blunt end first, according to the medical professionals who treated him.
It’s unknown why he did it, but the doctors listed many factors that may have motivated him, such as curiosity, pleasure, or a short psychiatric crisis.
But they said that he had no prior mental health problems.
There are little specifics about the incident’s circumstances, as reported in the journal Urology Case Reports.