Dr. Malinga says Black Coffee didn’t give him R500 000

Dr Malinga, winner of the South African Music Award (Sama), has been a hot issue on social media since his interview on the popular but controversial “Podcast and Chill with MacG,” in which he opened up about his recent troubles, which included the SA Revenue Services seizing his possessions (SARS).

Several Mzansi celebs, including Grammy-winning DJ and producer Black Coffee, reached out to Dr. Malinga after the interview to express their support.

Malinga tweeted his appreciation to “big brother @RealBlackCoffee for assistance.” This somehow gave rise to the rumor that Black Coffee had donated $500,000 to Dr. Malinga.

The assistance from Big Brother @RealBlackCoffee means a great deal
Many thanks.

— DR MALINGA (@drmalinga) September 10, 2022

@ChrisExcel102 tweeted, “Black Coffee gave R500,000 to Dr. Malinga, yet his baby mother was complaining about lack of power.”

Black Coffee gave R500,000 to Dr. Malinga, but his infant’s mother was complaining that she did not have electricity.

Is an excellent illustration of Bros over Hoes

12 September, 2022 — ChrisExcel (@ChrisExcel102)

As the rumor gained traction on social media, Dr. Malinga clarified the situation and advised people not to mislead others.

He tweeted, “Hey guys, @RealBlackCoffee did not donate $500,000; let’s not mislead anyone.”

Hello, @RealBlackCoffee did not donate $500,000; please do not mislead others.
Thank you and goodbye

— DR MALINGA (@drmalinga) September 12, 2022

On Monday’s episode of “Podcast and Chill,” Black Coffee confirmed the amount of money he actually provided to the singer, which piqued the curiosity of some followers.

Mac G had phoned Dr. Malinga to inquire about what had transpired since his interview.

Malinga disclosed that Mac G and God had reignited the “Malinga fire” and that he had been receiving concert bookings and charitable donations.

He then revealed that Black Coffee had mailed him R20,000, as well as a R10 donation that had greatly moved him. Malinga disclosed that the donations had amounted to about R100,000, which will be used to pay his SARS charge.

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