In EastEnders, Ben Mitchell has second thoughts about reporting Lewis Butler to the police and instead considers a violent retaliation.
Kathy spends the first part of the week fretting over Ben, who isn’t sure if he should truly inform the police he was raped after learning his kid was raped by Lewis.
Later, Ben chooses to tell Jay (Jamie Borthwick) about his sexual assault during a conversation.
As the conversation progresses, Jay inadvertently raises Ben’s misgivings about going to the cops.
Ben changes his mind in the station, fearful that the cops will not believe him.
Ben sends Lewis a message later that evening, requesting a meeting.
Lewis is furious the next day when Kathy quits him from his job after rapping Ben.
Meanwhile, Ben waits with a crowbar at The Arches for Lewis, but when he doesn’t show up, he goes over to The Albert and demands that Kathy tell him where Lewis lives.

Ben struggles to control his wrath as he sees red and believes Kathy is shielding Lewis.
Is there anyone who can help Ben relax?
Or will he track down Lewis and let his rage out?