The CEO of Pec Bella Enterprise, a chicken farm situated at YAGEP Farm Cluster, Owa-Alero, is PERCULIAR EHIENTA. She is a pioneering beneficiary of the Delta State Government’s Youth Agricultural Entrepreneurs Program and holds a B.Sc. in Education with a focus in Business Education.
During the 2015–2016 cycle, she received training and established herself. She has successfully expanded her firm over the past six years and is still operating. She tells her story.
“From 400 layers, I now have over 1,000 layer birds from which I harvest 25 crates of eggs daily, and I have also grown my broiler birds from the initial 200 seed stock to 400. By God’s grace I am growing.
“The business has been very helpful. With it, I support my husband in the upkeep of our home and the payment of our children’s school fees. It has improved our living standard.
My business is imparting positively on other families also. I have two employees on my payroll. I look forward to expansion”