Energy Department has changed their mind, they are now certain Covid-19 virus was leaked in China

The Energy Department has updated its position on the origins of Covid-19, now concluding that the virus most likely leaked from a research lab in Wuhan, China.

This reversal was issued in an update to a 2021 document prepared by the Director of National Intelligence and was recently given to White House lawmakers.

The FBI had already concluded in 2021 that the virus leaked from a lab with “moderate confidence”, whereas the Energy Department is now saying the virus likely spread from the lab but with “low confidence”.

Four other agencies are still said to support the “natural spillover” theory that the virus escaped via an animal at a nearby meat market, whereas two, including the CIA, have yet to declare a definitive position.

The change of stance from the Energy Department is significant as the agency has expertise and oversees various US laboratories that conduct biological research.

However, government officials who revealed the department’s change of stance would not comment on the new intelligence on which the conclusion was based.

White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan told CNN that there was still “no definitive answer”, and President Biden has repeatedly directed every element of the intelligence community to get to the bottom of this question.

In January, the US Office of Inspector General criticized the National Institutes of Health for not keeping up with US-funded virus experiments in China in the run-up to the outbreak.

The report found that the National Institutes of Health and EcoHealth failed to “understand the nature of the research conducted, identify potential problem areas, and take corrective action”.

Some experts claim that Covid’s unique spike protein shows hallmarks of engineering, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the virus may have leaked from, is less than 10 miles from the animal slaughter market where the first human cases were clustered. Nonetheless, direct evidence for a natural or man-made origin has not been publicized.

»Energy Department has changed their mind, they are now certain Covid-19 virus was leaked in China«

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