England to switch on automatic access to GP records and test results via NHS app

From November, patients will be able to get test results and other information through the NHS app, freeing up phone lines at GP offices.

Up November 1, NHS England will activate automated access to GP records after a year-long delay brought on by “safeguarding” concerns.

GPs will be allowed to choose how and when their patients’ records are shared for patients who need access to more private information, such as cancer test results.

“Improving patient access to health information on the NHS App will put patients in the driver’s seat when it comes to managing their own health,” said Professor Sir Stephen Powis of NHS England.

He noted that it will enable GP phone lines to be freed up for urgent calls.

In a letter to doctors last week, the November date was confirmed.

According to the statement, practitioners can “explore raising the proportion of patients who have online access and/or progressively raising their level of access over the ensuing months.”

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