During a school inspection visit in Migori, Magoha said that if granted the job, he would make sure that the issue was investigated to prevent students from taking short routes to obtaining academic credentials.
The issue is that, while I don’t actually have any special abilities, if I did, I would suggest that, in light of all the commotion, everyone’s degree be verified.
“To see whether there is a problem, as it is becoming to be a significant concern. You cannot earn a degree in two or six months. According to hours and units, the minimum is set,” stated Magoha.
Magoha stated that if given the post, he would ensure that the situation was looked into to stop kids from using shortcuts to earning academic credentials during a school inspection visit in Migori.
The problem is that even though I don’t really have any unique powers, if I did, I would advise that everyone’s degree be confirmed in light of all the hoopla.
“to see whether there is an issue since it is starting to cause serious worry. A degree cannot be obtained in two or six months. The minimum is determined by hours and units, “Magoha said.
His comments came amid a dispute between Johnson Sakaja, a United Democratic Alliance (UDA) candidate for governor, and CUE about the veracity of his academic credentials.
Magoha said that the government is investigating whether private schools are ready to implement the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in junior secondary school.
He insisted that despite the absence of infrastructure, there is no issue regarding the transfer to junior secondary school.
“There is so much toxic opinion, we are serving our children without prejudice. We shall continue to look at private schools and encourage them,” he said.