Ex-IEBC boss Hassan, ODPP’s Oduor among big names in Appeals Court shortlist

 Former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairperson Issack Hassan and Secretary of Prosecution Services in the Office of the  Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Dorcas Oduor are among 31 candidates who have been shortlisted by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) for the position of Judge of the Court of Appeal.

The 31 were shortlisted from a pool of 68 candidates who had applied for the position.

“Members of the public are invited to avail in writing any information of interest in respect to any of the shortlisted candidates,” the Commission Secretary Anne Amadi said.

22 Justices serving in lower courts have also been shortlisted for the position.

Notable Judgeswho made the cut include: High Court Judges Hedwig Ong’udi, Justice John Mativo, Justice Nduma Nderi among others.

The Commission also shortlisted 104 candidates for the position of Judge of the High Court which had attracted 266 candidates.

Former electoral agency deputy Chairperson Mahiri-Zaja is among the 104 candidates who made the cut.

Hassan and Zaja served the Commission between 2011 – 2016 before they unceremoniously removed from their posts following pressure from the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD).

Magistrate Representative in JSC Emily Ominde has also been shortlisted for the position of Judge of the High Court.

Anti-Corruption Court Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti also made the cut for the position of Judge of the High Court.

The interviews for the position of the Judge of the Court of Appeal will be conducted between June 20, 2022 to July 6, 2022.

Interviews for the position of Judge of the High Court on the other hand will commence on July 7, 2022 and conclude on August 8, 2022.

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