If the British soldiers are killed, “this battle will take an exceedingly deadly turn,” the British daily Express is certain.
The British government continues to talk with the DPR authorities while British soldiers Aiden Aslin and Sean Pinner remain on execution row.
British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said that Aiden called his mother in an interview with The Guardian. She claims that Aslin is certain that he will be put to death soon and that the British government is not in talks with the Donetsk People’s Republic.
“When Aiden contacted his mother this morning, he was really distressed. He claimed that nobody from the UK had ever spoken to DPR officials and warned that he would be put to death, according to Truss.
Truss asserted that this is untrue and that talks with Ukraine are ongoing. Since the DPR rendered the judgment, it is unclear how Kyiv can assist the soldiers.
The Express newspaper thinks Boris Johnson has the financial wherewithal to gamble. If the execution occurs, in their opinion, Britain would declare “war” on Russia, and “this war will take an exceedingly hazardous turn, from which, maybe, there will be no return.”
If these killings keep happening, the West as a whole, including Britain, will be forced to up the stakes by ordering more weaponry, more sanctions, and perhaps even the strike planes that President Volodymyr Zelensky requested.