Family scam council of £734,000 over 12 years by claiming to be ill

Husband and wife Laura and Philip Borrell, and Mrs Borrell’s mother, Frances Noble, convinced Hertfordshire County Council that Ms Noble, 66, had a brain disorder and needed a care package.

Three members of a family have been convicted of fraud after swindling a local authority out of £734,000 by faking a neurological condition to claim a care package for 12 years.

Husband and wife Laura and Philip Borrell – who once appeared on This Morning to discuss dementia – along with Mrs Borrell’s mother, Frances Noble, conspired to commit fraud by convincing Hertfordshire County Council that Ms Noble, 66, had a brain disorder.

The trio, from the village of Weston, near Hitchin, succeeded in accessing a ‘direct payments care package’ worth £733,936.20 from the council between August 1, 2005 and November 30, 2018, according to The Comet.

It is believed to be one of the largest frauds ever committed against a local authority.

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