Famous actors join OnlyFans to make money

While OnlyFans is often associated with explicit content and pornographic material, in recent years, many famous actors, musicians, and professional athletes have joined the platform to make money.

Some women who use the platform have been vilified and criticised for being associated with OnlyFans, with some subscribers demanding they post nude content.

Former Hollyoaks actress Sarah Jayne Dunn refused to delete her OnlyFans page after her TV role was terminated and reportedly earned an estimated £700,000 in just one year from selling exclusive images on her page.

However, despite warnings in her bio that she doesn’t post explicit content, Page 3 model Apollonia Llewellyn has received rude comments and pressure from some subscribers to post nude content. Meanwhile, pro MMA fighter Alice Ardelean uses the platform to fund her professional fighting career and has faced criticism for her choice.

»Famous actors join OnlyFans to make money«

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