Following the collapse of a terraced home during a fire and explosion near Croydon, dozens of firemen are battling the flames.
Around 40 firemen and six fire engines are onsite at the Thornton Heath area on Galpin’s Road.
According to the London Fire Brigade (LFB), it remains unknown what caused the fire and explosion.
LFB reported receiving 13 reports about the situation since 7:08 am and is requesting that people stay away from the area as firefighters battle the flames. Six fire engines and around 40 firemen were sent to a fire and explosion on Galpin’s Road in Thornton Heath, according to a London Fire Brigade spokeswoman.
‘After an explosion, a terraced home has fallen.
Thirteen calls to the incident have been answered by the Brigade’s 999 Control Officers.
‘At 07:08, the Brigade was summoned. Firefighters from the nearby fire stations in Norbury, Mitcham, West Norwood, and Woodside were on the scene.
“At this moment, the origin of the fire and explosion remains unknown.”