A ‘killer’ yoga instructor who reportedly killed a romantic rival and fled the scene entered a not guilty plea as she made her first court appearance.
On Wednesday afternoon in Austin, Texas, Kaitlin Armstrong, 34, made her appearance in court where she denied killing her romantic rival Anna Moriah “Mo” Wilson.
On May 11, Wilson was found shot twice in the head and once in the chest in a friend’s residence.
After learning that elite cyclist Wilson, 25, was seeing her boyfriend, Colin Strickland, Armstrong allegedly erupted in a jealous frenzy.
She is accused of committing first-degree murder, and US Marshals have also acquired a warrant for her arrest on suspicion of fleeing the country illegally in order to escape being prosecuted.
When Armstrong left Texas in May, she took a flight from Newark Airport in New Jersey to Costa Rica, where she arrived before being apprehended at a hostel on Santa Teresa Beach.
Armstrong’s case of unlawful flight was dismissed by a federal judge, but prosecutors may decide to re-file it in the future.
With her docket call scheduled for October 19, Armstrong’s counsel have submitted a motion for a speedy trial, stating that she “wants her day in court.”
Despite a state attorney’s contention that Travis County has more than 100 murder cases backlogged, it is anticipated that the trial will begin the following week.
Armstrong’s accusations of receiving insufficient legal representation should be dropped if the case proceeds to trial, he said, adding: “I don’t know what sort of privilege this particular defendant has to cut in front of all of these individuals who have been waiting for trial.”
Since we don’t have all the material to provide to Armstrong’s legal team, I am aware that they haven’t seen it.
Who broke into Armstrong and Strickland’s house the night of Wilson’s death was a subject of discussion for her legal team.
She’s being held in the Travis County Jail right now on a $3.5 million bail.