Gemma, a 44-year-old nurse, was ‘shocked’ to see a thief walking off with her Monkey Puzzle tree, only for him to return days later to apologise, claiming he was drunk

This is the moment a topless robber was caught on camera taking a plant from a garden, returning it after apologizing and claiming to be “f***ing steaming,” then doing so a few days later.

The doorbell camera captured the shirtless man leaving Gemma Brady’s front yard with the monkey puzzle tree in tow.

After working a night shift on Friday, NHS nurse Gemma, 44, awoke to the “horror” news that a stranger had been seen leaving her house with her plant.

The unidentified person returned to the area the following morning after posting the video online (July 9).

He was caught on camera saying that when he stole it from Gemma’s house in Heol Brown Tycroes, Ammanford, Wales, he was “f***ing steaming.”

The man claimed to have found it in his home when he woke up and promised to return it, which he did today.

Junior sister Gemma in Glangwili Hospital stated, “To be honest, the whole affair has been absurd.”

He claimed that he was overheating and that his friends were encouraging him.

He was dressed in business attire, and my street isn’t on the way home from any pubs, and it was 4:20 in the afternoon.

Gemma claimed that she cultivates her front garden as a way to unwind and has been raising the monkey puzzle tree there since it was a young seedling.

The nurse instantly posted the doorbell video on social media after seeing it before going for another night shift.

In just a few hours, it garnered more than 18,000 views, with the majority of watchers perplexed by the peculiar behaviour.

He has subsequently returned and said that his friend “egged him on” as he was “steaming,” but there is no way that was the case since he merely carried it out without any difficulty, according to Gemma.

He claimed that his wife had reprimanded him for being too active on Facebook.

The man apologized and stated he had woken up with the tree in his living room when he returned on Saturday.

He assured her that it was secure and made good on his promise to return it when he had finished his local chores.

Gemma claims that her favourite tree was “dumped” in her driveway around 9:45 this morning and that no one told her anything until this morning.

I believe he was a little camera-shy this morning, which is why he didn’t answer the doorbell, she said.

The most important thing is that the tree is back in tact, albeit somewhat bent—which is understandable given how it has been moved around.

I’m glad it’s back, but sorry that both trees now need to be moved because he’s shown that nothing is secure, she continued.

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