When 10 snakes were discovered hiding beneath the ceiling of a Gold Coast residence, a Queensland snake catcher discovered more than he had anticipated.
A homeowner in Willow Vale phoned South East Reptile Relocations to request the services of snake catcher Mitch Thorburn after discovering four snakes hanging from his ceiling.
However, after the snake catcher had entered the ceiling, he discovered an additional six snakes, some of which were concealed among the insulation.
The call-out broke his previous record of eight snakes in one roof cavity by finding a total of 10 snakes inside the roof.
Mr. Thorburn carefully removed five green tree snakes, two brown tree snakes, and three coastal carpet pythons in a little more than 30 minutes.
The brown and green tree snakes, according to Mr. Thorburn, “had both been mating while within the ceiling cavity.”
Each snake was returned to a suitable environment far from the location where it was collected.
Long grass, which offers protection for snakes and their young during the prolonged periods of rain the Australian east coast has gotten over the previous three years, has contributed to the population growth.
When typically they wouldn’t have been able to, Mr. Harrison said, “the infants have been able to live and hide from creatures seeking to devour them.”
Mr. Harrison said that habitat deterioration may be a factor in the increase in sightings.
In response to the surge of people relocating to the Gold Coast, he said, “the concentration of snakes are now going inside residences.”
“Those suburban areas with substantial retaining walls will be quite attractive to snakes seeking shelter.”
Mr. Harrison advised keeping your yard neat as the greatest defense against a snake infestation.
Residents are advised to routinely inspect their homes, yards, and vehicles for snakes in all possible hiding places.
Snakes like hiding in cracks they come across, including those in air conditioning systems, toilets, bathroom drains, closets, and drawers.
People need to keep in mind that leaving doors open for an extended amount of time gives snakes the ideal chance to get inside.
If you come across a snake, the knowledgeable reptile handler said, snap a picture and email it to a snake catcher rather than attempting to trap it yourself.
Many locals believe they know what kind of snake they are dealing with, although their descriptions and classifications are often wrong.
Many individuals believe that snakes want to harm humans. It’s not true that way.
He said that people from Sydney or Melbourne who relocate to the Gold Coast often have a shock when it comes to snakes.
There are only around five distinct varieties of snakes in Sydney and Melbourne, but there are 21 different species on the Gold Coast.
Mr. Harrison was unable to avoid mentioning the event from 25 years ago when he discovered an Eastern Small-Eyed snake inside a baby’s cradle when questioned about the weirdest locations he has discovered snakes.
“A lady contacted me and claimed there was a black snake inside her baby’s crib and that her kid was still in there because she was afraid of snakes,” the woman stated.
He said that a snake being reported inside a daycare center was another strange occurrence.
The children had colored in an Eastern Brown snake with texta when it was passing them in one of the rooms.
As a consequence of several snake bites over the years, Mr. Harrison is now required to carry an EpiPen with him whenever he is on the job.