The Government of Canada continues to work with LGBTQ2 communities and all our partners to protect LGBTQ2 rights and build a safer, more equitable, and consciously more inclusive Canada.
Today, the Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, announced an extension of up to $7.5 million for community capacity funding. Minister Ien also announced up to $800,000 in funding for two LGBTQ2 projects.
Further to the first-ever LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund launched in 2020, the Government of Canada will be extending funding for a period of one year. The funding will enable LGBTQ2 organizations to build stronger infrastructure and networks of community organizations to advance LGBTQ2 equality across Canada.
In addition, the project funding for Rainbow Faith and Freedom and Imprint Youth Association will support the development of community-informed projects that address systemic barriers LGBTQ2 people face. As part of the $15 million LGBTQ2 Project Fund announced in Budget 2021, the Government of Canada intends to launch a call for proposals this spring for additional project funding opportunities.
Since the Prime Minister delivered a historic apology to LGBTQ2 communities in 2017, the Government of Canada has worked alongside LGBTQ2 communities to advance key priorities. Further, the Government of Canada held comprehensive public engagement to better understand the daily realities and experiences of LGBTQ2 people in Canada to inform the first-ever Federal LGBTQ2 Action Plan. This included recently passing amendments to Canada’s Criminal Code, Bill C-4, to criminalize the shameful, unscientific, and destructive practice of conversion therapy.
The Government of Canada will continue to support LGBTQ2 communities and organizations to build a society where everyone can fully participate and be their true authentic self.