After criticizing the troubled local police department over their inability to stop the gunman, the great grandpa of one of the Uvalde school shooting victims has gone viral, amid accusations that Salvador Ramos’ grandmother knew he had a gun months before the massacre.
Ruben Mata, whose great-granddaughter Alexandria Rubio was killed by Ramos’ gunfire last week at the age of ten, was captured on camera aggressively approaching officers in Uvalde by left-wing media outfit Status Coup.
Just hours after posing for a photo with her parents at the school’s honor roll event, the ten-year-old was shot and killed.
Mata, standing among the memorials in Uvalde Sunday and wearing a jacket identifying him as a Vietnam veteran, passionately pled for police action while holding a knife.
He noted that they immediately responded when it was discovered he was wielding the knife and noted ‘it didn’t take you but a few minutes’ to get to him, comparing it to the response time at the shooting.

Uvalde School District Police Chief Arredondo has been fiercely criticized by state officials, the media and grieving parents for failing to send his officers into Robb Elementary School immediately when it was attacked last week.
Arredondo incorrectly believed that the 18-year-old gunman, Salvador Rolando Ramos, was barricaded alone inside the building, and waited over an hour before breaching the classrooms – where 19 children and two teachers were killed.
The officers who responded to Mata were from Conroe, Texas, about 300 miles away. They’ve been brought to Uvalde to assist in the wake of the shooting. As he pleads with them to tell him where they were, they note that they ‘don’t work in this town.’
As the video continues, people watching on ask him to calm down, but he continues.
‘I’m gonna show you something,’ he says, reaching into his pocket. ‘I got a knife. Pull your gun out! I’m not going to kill nobody! But I got a knife! Let’s see how brave y’all are with your guns.’

He then hands over the knife to one of the onlookers, who gives it straight to one of the cops.
‘Oh, you’re gonna put me in jail?’ Mata says, holding up his wrists in surrender as the police approach. ‘Go ahead.’
Finally, Mata walks to a memorial of the dead and points to one of the displays.
‘That’s my great-granddaughter,’ he says. ‘Where were you people?’
Eventually, Mata calms down and sits down in a folding chair but remains heartbroken and visibly upset at the loss.
‘My great granddaughter, I spoke to her sister and said “Mija, how are you?” and she says “Grandpa, my sister ain’t coming back!”‘
Meanwhile, it’s been revealed that Salvador Ramos’ grandmother – who was eventually shot by her grandson – ordered him to get rid of a gun from her house, according to a neighbor who spoke with The Daily Beast.
‘We heard them yelling,’ said Rudy Martinez, who lives in the neighborhood. ‘I asked Sally what they were fighting about this time, and she told me that her and her sister or someone had found out that Salvador had brought guns into her house. She didn’t want them there.’

Martinez said this happened on May 19, the same day Ramos’ aunt, Natalie Salazar, told police they had discovered a semi-automatic rifle in a duffle bag.
They demanded the eventual killer get rid of it because his grandfather has a criminal record and is not allowed to possess guns.
The next day, Ramos purchased a second weapon, law enforcement sources told The Daily Beast.
Four days later, the 18-year-old, armed with two rifles and ammunition, then drove the black Ford F-150 pickup truck to Robb Elementary School where he crashed into a culvert before continuing his deadly rampage.
Just moments before, Ramos shot his grandmother Celia, forcing her to be air-lifted to a hospital in San Antonio, 75 miles away, where she is currently recovering in the ICU.
Relatives say the grandmother was in critical condition after the bullet her grandson fired entered her cheek, shattering her teeth, before exiting under her ear.