The Army’s participation in Her Majesty the Queen’s state burial will be led by the Grenadier Guards.
The senior company of the regiment is known as the Queen’s Company, and Elizabeth II served as Colonel-in-Chief.
However, a company made up of freshly certified guardsmen is anticipated to fill in as the Queen’s Company is now serving in Iraq providing force protection.
Guardsmen were given a six-hour notice last night to participate in Operation Bridge, the military’s celebration of her rule. They were instructed to prepare their ceremonial tunics and get haircuts. The Nijmegen Company, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, has been chosen to serve as the Bearer Party, which carries coffins.
All six of the coffin bearers, who are at least 6 feet tall, will be given rubber boots to wear so they won’t fall when carrying Her Majesty. The usual guard boot soles are constructed of wood and steel and are exceedingly slippery, according to a source in the Guards. Wearing rubber is thus significantly safer.
There is a hurry to fit everyone since the rubber boots are only provided for special events.
The burial party will be led by the Nijmegen Company in the absence of the Queen’s Company, and guards will be on duty while Her Majesty is laying in state.
Yesterday afternoon the Grenadier Guards’ drill sergeant – who is responsible for ceremonial responsibilities – gathered senior troops for a briefing at Lille Barracks in Aldershot. Soldiers from regiments that often participate in such events, such as the Royal Artillery, which fires gun salutes, were placed on alert.
The Grenadier Guards, the oldest regiment in the regular army, was founded in 1656 as Lord Wentworth’s Regiment to guard Charles II while he was in exile.
The Army, Royal Navy, and Royal Air Force will all be represented during state ceremonies honouring Her Majesty’s demise.