The oven is wonderful since it allows you to prepare tasty meals in a short amount of time with little to no work. Having a head start on dinner preparations allows you to focus on other duties or prepare additional sides. These beef short ribs, cooked on the grill, make for a delicious meal any night of the week or on the weekend. Incredibly soft ribs and a fragrant piece of meat with a nicely browned crust may be yours with this easy recipe.
Because this is such a basic recipe, you should only use the freshest ingredients. Have your butcher slice you up some gorgeous thick short ribs, full of flavorful fat and tender meat. You’ll be putting this into the oven on a drip tray, so get the roasted veggies like potatoes, carrots, onions, and maybe some butternut pieces into the oven for around 30 minutes before roasting it for the remainder of the time with the ribs. Include air-fried chips or salad as a side dish.
Sticky ribs are a terrific way to relax and unwind. This week, try serving your loved ones some of these grilled beef short ribs.