Residents were outraged by the eerie ‘dead dolls’ window display depicting’murdered’ newborns next to a ‘bloodied’ meat cleaver, and Halloween event organizers were forced to apologize.
Frightmare, which is hosting its 20th annual Halloween celebration in Gloucestershire, received a note demanding the removal of a frightening crime scene on Saturday.
The note from “concerned local parents and citizens” criticized the presentation of dolls with their limbs bent and said, “MURDERED BABIES? DEAD DOLLS?’.
Georgia Wilson, 27, who created the display, told MailOnline that the team had not intended to hurt anyone, and that the ‘dead dolls’ portion of the statement made them laugh because the dolls had never been alive.
Residents were outraged by a macabre Halloween window display depicting’murdered’ newborns next to a ‘bloodied’ meat cleaver, and event organizers were forced to apologize.
The note from “concerned local parents and citizens” criticized the presentation of dolls with their limbs bent and said, “MURDERED BABIES? DEAD DOLLS?’
The note stated that local parents did not want their children to view the “inappropriate” scene and begged festival organizers to remove it.
Images depict the window exhibit to be covered with antique book pages saturated in artificial blood.
On the backs of several baby dolls that are primarily face down with their arms and legs bent in various ways are depicted artificial blood splatters.
Several of the dolls look to have been burned as they lie among a ‘bloody’ meat cleaver.
Miss Wilson, an employee of Frightmare, was ultimately had to remove the dolls from the crime scene and afterwards offered an apology to the locals.
Initial complaint note, typed and affixed to the window, read: “MURDERED BABIES? DEAD DOLLS?
Frightmare, which is hosting its 20th annual Halloween celebration in Gloucestershire, received a note demanding the removal of a macabre murder scene on Saturday.
We do not wish for our children to view this inappropriate window sight. Please remove, as it is inappropriate for the general public to view.
‘Thank you. Concerned neighborhood parents and residents’
Later, the organizers put an apology at the top of the notice, stating: “Dear concerned locals and citizens,
Please note that no infants (or dolls) were injured in the creation of this window display.
However, we apologize for any anguish caused, and the doll pieces have been removed as requested.
Best wishes for Halloween.
Later, the organizers put an apology at the top of the notice, stating: “Dear concerned locals and citizens, Please note that no infants (or dolls) were injured during the creation of this window display.
Miss Wilson, who works for Frightmare, was forced to remove the dolls from the crime scene and later apologized to the locals.
Frightmare published a video on TikTok and Facebook displaying the notices, along with the following text: “Public retraction.

Window displays are no longer allowed in Georgia.
We’ve sent her to the mirror room so she can take a long, critical look in the mirror.
The complaint has generated more than 38,000 views and comments from people who are horrified.
One person requested that adult-sized mannequin body pieces be placed instead, perhaps with a sign that reads “here lie concerned local residents and parents.”
Another wrote: “Absurd! We reside there and like Frightmare!”
A third added, “Raise Georgia’s salary!”
While another person remarked, “I enjoyed such things as a child and turned out normal!”
The video has received over 38,000 views and comments from surprised viewers.
Miss Wilson told MailOnline, “I was quite excited because it was my first time doing the window.” I was responsible for two of the four.
‘I was honestly more concerned about the other one. It was a hellscape with a cross including nails, so I wondered, “Will that be offensive?”
I thought it would be fascinating to give it a rustic appearance after discovering some pretty cool biology books and rusty tools. We had some unused dolls, so I decided to remove the limbs and legs and place them in the bottom to conceal the remainder.
“I had no intention of offending anyone. Once we received the letter, I did not want to apologize because I felt it was stated fairly harshly.
It was never my aim to murder infants, and dead dolls made us laugh because they were never alive to begin with.
Miss Wilson told MailOnline, ‘I was genuinely more concerned about the other candidate. It was a hellscape with a cross including nails, so I wondered, “Will that be offensive?”
She stated, “We had leftover dolls, so I decided to cut off the limbs and legs and place them at the bottom to cover the bottom portion.”
We used to have the festival on a farm, but we’ve recently moved into the city center and don’t want to irritate the residents. As we had a window filled with coffins, I assumed that this would be worse.
“We just put away the doll pieces, and they placed a thank-you letter on our note. They returned and erased their note, so I deleted ours.
I believe you are aware that, as a Halloween festival, there was bound to be some opposition to anything.
Other window displays at the event include a hell throne constructed of plastic skulls, a coffin with nails pounded into a cross, and biohazard waste bins that are overflowing.