Honduran special forces show crashes four parachutists

A parachute show by the Honduran special forces went horribly wrong when the skydivers were blown off course and one crashed into a restroom. They were supposed to land on a stadium football field.

On September 15, during Honduras’ 201st Independence Day festivities, mayhem broke out when 40 soldiers descended from helicopters at a height of 6,500 feet to land in front of enraged spectators at the José-de-la-Paz-Herrera stadium in Tegucigalpa.

perhaps the idea was that. Strong gusts, however, ultimately caused the skilled sky divers to be dramatically blown off their planned trajectory, fortunately preventing a tragic outcome.

The victorious fall quickly goes bad in the incident’s video when four parachutists seem to lose control at the same moment, resulting in a series of painful yet amusing landings.

One of the divers landed directly among the drummers in a brass band procession that was moving around the perimeter of the field, while another diver’s parachute became tangled in the roof of the stand and he fell to the ground among the spectators.

The paratrooper who crashed into the spectators landed just in front of the stage where Honduran VIPs and celebrities were gathered.

Just behind the main dais, where President Ximara Castro, her family, and the government cabinet were seated, another second passed.

Unlucky soldier slammed into row of portaloos after swooping down at great speed, racing through soft ground.

A soldier reportedly crashed landed outside the stadium and was transported to the hospital with a damaged foot, according to other sources.

Prior to the yearly celebrations commemorating the country’s independence from Spain, the group of daredevils had been practicing the leap for several weeks.

The bulk of the squad did succeed in landing in the desired location, though sometimes a touch harshly, with a few members saluting with their backs straight to the waiting cameras.

One of the jumpers, identified only as Zavala Avilez, claimed to be a Special Forces soldier and expressed his happiness at being a part of the much anticipated group.

The Honduran, who had just performed such a challenging leap for the eighth time to the pleasure of the screaming spectators, stated, “I am truly thrilled to offer so much joy to this lovely nation.”

In a similar vein, Lempira native Edwin Cerrano said that being in the air is “something fantastic” and revealed that he trained for his leap for 15 days.

The commotion grew as the person carrying the Honduran flag nearly tripped and fell to his knees, but soon got to his feet and raised his arms in victory.

Every year on September 15, Hondurans celebrate their independence, which is a holiday that is meant to be joyful and festive for everyone.

On that day in 1821, the nation declared its independence from Spanish colonial domination, and the day has since been commemorated.

Parades featuring colorful floats and marching bands from nearby schools are a common part of celebrations. Children from schools present plays and dances that highlight Honduran history and culture.

Later that evening, when the flag is lowered, participants assemble to sing the national hymn of Honduras as formal events come to a close. However, in many neighborhoods, street gatherings may go far into the evening.

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