Moving to a new place is hard. We all want to live in a neighborhood that is crime free, quiet, and well maintained. But how can you know which neighborhood is crime free and which is relatively peaceful?
You can explore the local community and know your future neighbors using Neighbor Report. Neighbor Report lets you view complaints filed with your city’s 311 line or submitted by other users. This includes code violations, reports of garbage not being removed, malfunctioning lights, broken windows, or loud music. Knowing a neighborhood’s history in advance can help you avoid many problems.
Residents can share advice and recommendations, alert each other to problems and issues, and resolve disputes peacefully.
Current residents of a neighborhood are the most accurate source of information about the neighborhood, so having a place where you can get real life information about your new neighborhood just makes life easy, doesn’t it?
If you live in a neighborhood or community that is ultra conservative or simply dangerous, you may feel fearful or threatened when you share a complaint, comment, or opinion, you can make your reports anonymously.
Moving to a new neighborhood can arouse doubts and fears, but having a place to check neighbour’s reports can be reassuring, so head on to Neighbour’s Report to check what people are saying about your new neighborhood.