Hundreds of Kenyans at Nyayo Stadium for Kibaki Funeral Service

Kenyans have come out in numbers to attend the state funeral service of the late President Mwai Kibaki.

Despite the rainy and chilly weather, they came out in hundreds to attend the funeral service.

Security has been beefed up with members of the public being subjected to strict security screening before being allowed into the stadium premises.

Since early morning, musical choirs have been singing rhymes to the third president of the nation setting the mood for mourning Kibaki.

The former President body is expected to leave the Lee Funeral Home and proceed to Statehouse Nairobi.

At 9am, the solemn procession will depart from State House for the Nyayo Stadium.

The body of the late Mwai Kibaki is expected to arrive at the stadium by 10am.

According to the program by 10:30am, President Uhuru Kenyatta accompanied by the First lady Margaret Kenyatta will have arrived at the stadium.

Kenyans were required to have been seated by 8am to allow smooth flow of the program for the state funeral.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi made the announcement while supervising the preparations at the stadium accompanied by the National funeral steering committee.

“We request our citizens to be time conscious because this is ceremony that involves a lot of people and we want to make sure that no one is inconvenienced, “said Matiangi.

The Interior boss revealed that the state funeral service program will be concluded by 1pm.

This is to allow enough time for preparation of the final rites that will be conducted at the former President home in Othaya, Nyeri County.

“We want to start early so that who require to travel out of town are able to move back to their homes early enough,” he stated.

The Interior Ministry CS assured that there will be no mishaps for state funeral of the third President of Kenya.

“We don’t anticipate that anything will go wrong we will do this with the precision, effectiveness and the decency expected from government and respecting our former President Mwai Kibaki,”Matiangi noted.

The Former President will be interred at his home in Othaya, Nyeri County on Saturday.

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