In Sydney’s northwest, two adolescent girls who suddenly disappeared for three days have been located

In Sydney’s northwest, two adolescent girls who suddenly disappeared for three days have been located safe and well.

After Madison Wells and Amelia Butcher’s worried relatives reported them missing on Wednesday night, a desperate search was started.

Two days earlier, on Monday, the two 14-year-olds were last spotted leaving a Castle Hill school together.

The girls with thousands of Facebook likes were instantly the subject of a police public appeal.

Additionally, the couple was urged to go back home by family and friends.
Due to the girls’ young age, police had serious reservations.

The two were thought to be together and were seen frequently in the Blacktown and Castle Hill neighborhoods, as well as maybe riding Sydney Trains.

When the girls were found by authorities near Castle Hill on Thursday afternoon, the search was over.

I recently noticed them in Castle Hill. A woman said on the NSW Police Facebook page, “Castle Hill police stopped them and spoke with the two.

A short while later, Hills Area Police reported that the girls had been located.

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