India takes pride in being the world’s largest producer of litchi, with Bihar leading the states in terms of production. Shahi Litchis from Bihar’s Muzzafarpur district became the state’s fourth agricultural product to gain GI certification in 2018. The Superplum was the first modern litchi.
Litchi, on the other hand, is difficult to transport due to its short shelf life. The total loss in the litchi supply chain in 2013 ranged from 35.3 percent to 43.8 percent, a genuine tragedy for this delectable fruit. Even while consumer demand for the fleshy fruit is high, this remains true.
Now, Superplum, an Indian Agritech firm, has created the country’s first modern supply chain to transport fresh litchis from Muzzafarpur fields throughout the country. Litchis are being refrigerated, clipped, washed, and packed at the farm level for the first time in India to maintain freshness.
They are then delivered utilizing Superplums Fresherator, a unique IoT-based transport system that keeps the fruits fresh in a remotely monitored and regulated environment. Some litchis used to go through a sulphitation process to extend their shelf life, but this made the fruit unsuitable to eat, and it was prohibited in various countries as a result.
Superplum uses science and technology to extend the shelf life of litchis using a proprietary multi-faceted approach, promising safe-to-eat fruits. Muzzafarpur Litchis are currently being delivered to stores and homes in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, and Bengaluru, with aspirations to extend across the country and internationally.