This Thursday, renowned film producer Jerry Bruckheimer (“Top Gun,” “Bad Boys,” “Black Hawk Down”) announced he would like to cast Johnny Depp as the lead in a sixth installment of his “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise, despite the actor’s lack of likelihood.
“I would love to have him in the film,” Bruckheimer told The Hollywood Reporter of the actor who has portrayed Captain Jack Sparrow in five “Pirates of the Caribbean” films. “He’s a great actor and a buddy, but it’s sad that our personal lives interfere with everything we do.”
However, an informed film industry participant thinks this as unlikely. The athlete stated of the actor, “I believe he will have a career, but I do not foresee his redemption.” I believe that celebrities in Hollywood will avoid him.
In the past few years, Depp’s personal life has included accusations of domestic violence by his ex-wife Amber Heard — slapping and hitting her, throwing her across the room, ripping off her nightgown, and sexually assaulting her with a glass bottle — and the revelation that he texted “Let’s burn Amber” to his “The Tourist” and “Mortdecai” co-star, Paul Bettany.
All of this resulted in his dismissal from the “Fantastic Beasts” and “Pirates” franchises.
Despite the fact that Bruckheimer would welcome him to the “Pirates” ensemble, the film-industry player has questions about its viability: “Due to their brand and themes, Disney is the most scandal-averse studio.”
“I believe that Hollywood celebrities will avoid him,” a film industry source stated of Depp.
When Depp and Heard squared off in court earlier this year, both charging the other of slander, his allegedly terrible lifestyle was revealed. On the stand, the actor appeared to have trouble recalling the film franchises that made him a success. Photos purportedly depicted him passed out from intoxication, including one of him on the floor with his head resting on a nightstand and another with melting ice cream covering his lap. It is stated that he ingested a bag of random pills “to see what would happen.”
Ellen Barkin, an ex-lover who testified, described Johnny Depp as “jealous,” “controlling,” and “demanding” and claimed he even tossed a bottle of wine at her.
“It’s sad that personal lives seep into everything we do,” Bruckheimer said of the impact of Depp’s issues on his profession.
©Buena Vista Pictures/Courtesy
Kathryn Arnold, a Hollywood producer and consultant, said that accusations about Depp’s poor work habits made it more difficult for Hollywood to financially support him. Arnold stated, “We discussed the unpredictable conduct, tardiness, and drug and alcohol usage.” And the litigation have had a significant influence, not only this action but also past lawsuits in which Mr. Depp has been engaged, due to the extensive publicity surrounding anything he does.
Even if the court ruled in his favor, with a jury ordering Heard to pay him more than $10 million in damages, Depp was already sufficiently exposed and accused for Hollywood to reject him.
In November, Depp offended some Rihanna fans by making a cameo appearance at the singer’s Savage x Fenty fashion show.
“There are many levels of shuffling,” the gamer explained to The Post. “[Depp] is not on par with Kevin Spacey. I believe he falls inside the Mel Gibson range. The foreign public, as well as many Americans, will be pleased to see him in upcoming projects.
“However, I can tell you something about both [Depp and Gibson]. “If you bring them up in the dominant studio environment [as candidates to star in a film], the response is not a rejection, but a question: “Who else do you have?”
“[Depp] is not on par with Kevin Spacey,” a film industry insider remarked of the actor’s exclusion.
Further, the player believes that Depp will continue to have a career in the future, albeit not necessarily in Hollywood.
The player projected that he will continue to produce films financed on the international market by foreign production organizations. “The deals will come from third- or fourth-tier individuals. They arrive with a large sum of money, which is given to the celebrity. You witnessed this at the conclusion of Bruce Willis’ career. You perceive this in relation to John Travolta.”
Recently, a Depp insider claimed, “He has not spent much time in Hollywood. He has frequently visited Europe, primarily London.
There has been a great deal of interest in Johnny and enthusiastic support for several initiatives.
In fact, according to the insider, normalcy is creeping back into Depp’s career.
“The formal conclusion [of dispute with Heard] makes it simple to proceed,” added the insider. “Johnny just completed the French film [‘Jeanne du Barry,’ in which he plays King Louis XV] and is now attached to the Pacino project.”
Depp, who toured with musician Jeff Beck earlier this year, is co-producing a film with Al Pacino in the United Kingdom.
According to IMDB, the latter film, which Pacino will co-produce and Depp will co-produce and direct, is in pre-production. The biopic, named “Modigliani,” is set in Paris in 1916 and depicts the tale of the artist Amadeo Modigliani. According to a release cited by Variety, Depp described Mogliani’s journey as “one of enormous adversity and final victory.”
Meanwhile, reports from the set of the French film “Jeanne du Barry” indicated that Depp is as irritable as ever.
Bernard Montield, a French entertainment pundit, stated on the talk show TPMP that Johnny Depp is an outstanding actor when he’s on set. “Except that occasionally the crew is ready at 6 a.m. and nobody shows up. Therefore, Mawenn [the director with a single name] becomes enraged, and the next day it is she who does not show up while Johnny Depp is present. It is craziness… They are enraged. It is going terribly wrong. They constantly argue.”
According to IMDB, this film is now in post-production.
Off-screen, Depp has appeared in some unexpected places, including a tour with guitarist Jeff Beck, the sale of his artwork as non-fungible tokens, and a November cameo at Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty show (which sparked anger from the singer’s fans).
According to a source, Disney would never bring Depp back for a “Pirates” sequel.
As unknown as Depp’s professional future is, Heard has her own obstacles. Variety claimed that allegations she was deleted from “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom” were false, although she currently only has that picture and an Italian-produced feature, “In the Fire,” listed on IMDb, and both have already been completed.
“Before the trial, I believed that Amber’s career was already in decline,” stated the athlete. “I do not believe she will work again. She is not Jennifer Lawrence, however. And the trial was ineffective.”
Nonetheless, she probably needs to work. On December 19, the actress agreed to pay Depp a settlement of $1 million. According to The Post, the payment comes from Heard’s insurance company, but it is only a fraction of the more than $10 million she was ordered to pay her ex-husband.
“Johnny is donating the money to charity,” claimed the insider, although he or she was unaware of which charity would get the donation. “A pivotal moment in the trial occurred when [Heard] testified that she pledged [her $7 million divorce settlement] to charity but never delivered the funds. Actually, Johnny will give away the money… The point is that she is a liar.”
In 2021, Heard’s attorney stated that the actress was still in the process of distributing the funds; nevertheless, the 2022 trial revealed that Heard is broke.
She may not write a salacious tell-all about her relationship with Depp.
The Post was informed by a legal source within Depp’s entourage that a judgment has been rendered. And this makes it tough for her to speak negatively of him.
However, in a statement uploaded to Instagram after the settlement, Heard stated: “There are no restrictions or gag orders regarding my voice in the future.”
»Industry source: “I don’t see Johnny Depp being rehabilitated in Hollywood.”«