While still hosting his TV program from home while battling Covid, Jeremy Vine has received backlash online for singing a Craig David song.
The broadcaster shared a humorous footage of him dancing and miming to the tune 7 Days while making fun of his ongoing isolation as a result of the sickness.
Vine said he was feeling better but was still testing positive, so he is confined “in the spare room” until he tests negative.
In the music video, Craig David sings the days of the week while Vine dances and displays the positive Covid tests he recorded for each day.
Vine said he was feeling better but was still testing positive, so he is confined “in the spare room” until he tests negative. Vine was speaking on his daily Channel 5 show.
The video has not been warmly received by all viewers; one has called it “drivel.”
Why can’t everyone just declare, “I have a ‘cold’ or virus, please stay away from me while I’m coughing and spluttering?” said one person. Without a doubt, we once did it. Before Covid, I would never have sneezed or coughed on someone.
Why share this garbage, another viewer said in a comment.
Breaking news: Person is ill and stays at home until feeling better, according to another.
Another user said they were “The No. 1 treatment for Man Flu and other made-up illnesses!” and provided an image of a bogus bottle of “Man Up Pills.”
It happens a day after he criticized the government for downplaying worries over rising numbers and advocated for a return to protection.
The host said earlier today on Jeremy Vine that he is “feeling better,” but that he is still testing positive.
I’ve had a headache for the past three or four days, and I suppose back in the day we would have just termed this the lurgy, wouldn’t we? said he.
Now that there are all these laws, rather than being off for one or two days and coming into work and coughing over everyone, “You would’ve been off for one or two days and come into work and coughed over everyone,”
He continued by advising those who may be “susceptible” to the virus to be aware that it is spreading.
Our office has been shuttered, he declared.
You can hear how croaky my voice is, so if you’re vulnerable, I think now is the time to take precautions, that’s all.
But I don’t think we’ll ever return to lockdown and a lot of masks because masks ruin theaters and prevent Glastonbury from happening, so I don’t think we’ll be doing anything different from what we’re doing now.
The speed at which the virus had spread among the people he knew, he continued, had “rather astonished” him.
He declared, “One speck of virus in our office has rendered seven individuals unconscious, thus it is highly contagious.”
I’m not sure if this is Omicron or if it’s something a little spicier.
He also criticized those who, in his words, believe that receiving the vaccine causes Covid.
The vaccine, he claimed, “was never going to stop me from getting it, but it was going to stop me from getting really sick and dying.”
And 100 yards from my home, in April 2020, one of my close neighbors passed away from the virus at the exact beginning of the epidemic.
“At that moment, I understood it was going to be a really serious illness for certain people.” We are not observing that degree of hospitalization and death post-vaccine.
Why vulnerable people aren’t being pushed to shield is a concern that was raised by a Channel 5 broadcaster yesterday.
Vine, 57, claimed in a video broadcast on Twitter that “all of our presenters have it.” It must thus be widespread because of this.
Why isn’t the government making a fuss over it? Why doesn’t it state that everyone who is susceptible should stay inside?
As part of No10’s “living with Covid” plan, nearly 4 million severely vulnerable people received the news that they were no longer urged to shield as of April 1.
Vine added: “That’s a big red line there, there is a lot of it around.” Vine demonstrated his positive lateral flow test to the camera.
Shouldn’t they [the government] be telling those who are vulnerable to stay indoors if they are at risk? But we haven’t heard a word. Perhaps they are simply too busy.
In England, the number of Covid infections has nearly doubled in only two weeks, and more than 1,000 patients are now being hospitalised daily.
Although it has promised to evaluate the issue “quite fast,” the government is adamant that it has no plans to reinstate restrictions.
The fact that just a small portion of Covid patients are admitted largely because they are ill owing to the virus has given ministers and their advisors confidence.
Only 20 Britons are currently dying from the virus daily, according to separate statistics.
According to the most recent Office for National Statistics (ONS) data, 1.36 million persons in England contracted the disease in the week ending June 18.
That is 70% greater than the anticipated 797,000 cases of the virus at the beginning of June.