After spending nearly the length of his weekly satirical show on HBO mocking the police procedural Law & Order and its multiple sequels, British comedian John Oliver is facing criticism.
Typically, Oliver devotes his time to a topic that merits a deep dive and is of actual interest and significance, such as rising inflation, the war in Ukraine, or monkeypox, to name a few recent examples.
However, on Sunday night’s episode, the 45-year-old discussed the ‘pro-police’ stance and how the NYPD are depicted in the popular NBC program.
It prompted Oliver to conclude that the executive producer of Law & Order, Dick Wolf, had an overly close contact with law enforcement officers, despite the show’s insistence that the narratives are wholly fictional.
After spending nearly the majority of his weekly satirical show on HBO bashing the police procedural Law & Order and its multiple iterations, British comedian John Oliver is under fire.
Oliver criticized the long-running franchise for repeatedly depicting police personnel seeking to apprehend sexual criminals as “nice men.”
Online audiences were quick to criticize Oliver’s crusade against Law & Order and the police department
Oliver told his audience that the renowned executive producer and creator of the franchise, Dick Wolf, has a ‘tight, behind-the-scenes relationship with the NYPD, using officers as advisers and boasting about his access.’
Law & Order will never address the reality of police in a meaningful manner. Dick Wolf is ultimately accountable for Law & Order and its brand, and he knows precisely what he wants his series to do and, more crucially, not do,’ added Oliver.
He also suggested that Wolf is aware that fans of the show would be dissatisfied if the police were seen following criminals of color, which is why so many of the criminals on the show are elderly white men.
Oliver assures that the show will never “significantly wrestle with the reality of police.”
Ben Dreyfuss, a journalist, hints that John Oliver’s critique of Law & Order may have been a touch excessive.
On Sunday night’s episode of Last Week Tonight, Oliver criticized the long-running television crime thriller Law & Order for its flattering depiction of police personnel.
Online audiences were eager to condemn Oliver’s crusade against Law & Order and the police force.
Some were unimpressed with Oliver’s argument’s liberal slant.
Oliver’s socialist interpretation of the immensely popular show drew swift criticism, which included personal insults hurled at the comic and denunciation of his anti-police position.
Ben Dreyfuss, journalist, actor, and Twitter celebrity, observed of the pointed tirade, “The authors of the John Oliver show are definitely running out of things to ‘destroy.’” Why aren’t the TV show’s heroes more inept and corrupt?
” Dreyfuss wrote, sarcastically mocking Oliver’s criticism.
I mean, Law & Order has only made one TV movie, and the murderer in that film was a detective who had been a supporting character on the program for around five years.
Another person defended Wolf’s depiction of the police by saying, “I would rather celebrate cops than criminals…”
A third individual felt that the NYPD should be lauded. They are the only ones preventing the city from degenerating into complete anarchy. If you are robbed late at night, you do not phone John Oliver,’ they added.
I need to know where John resides… Hmmm. I believe there are a large number of nearby police officers who he could contact in an instant. Their men, like Oliver, obtain these positions due to their socialist ideology. It is indeed that simple. A con,’ commented Twitter user Robert Macron, disgusted with Oliver’s expected progressive stance on the topic.
Dick Wolf, 75 years old, is the executive producer of Law & Order, which debuted in 1990 and continues to air.
One user felt so strongly about Oliver’s anti-law and order and anti-police position that he advocated Oliver’s deportation.
Other commenters acknowledged that in a time of rising crime, cops should be especially valued regardless of political affiliation.
One commenter criticized Oliver for criticizing the U.S. television and police enforcement landscapes while substantial problems exist in his native nation.
Oliver is rumored to live happily with his wife and two children in a $10 million, four-bedroom penthouse on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, long regarded as one of the safest neighborhoods in New York City.
In 2017, The Observer uncovered Oliver’s use of a tax loophole provided by Donald Trump to purchase the magnificent apartment. On his show, Oliver has actually advocated against the tax loophole.
Due to the escalating crime rates in New York City and the majority of U.S. cities, some readers of Oliver’s article disagreed with the content of his argument.
On Twitter, Addie Shepherd commented, ‘With increased crime and violence, everyone in New York City (liberal and conservative) wants a larger police presence.’