Just as Orlando Pirates fans were beginning to celebrate the new striker’s coach Scott Chickelday, head coach Jose Riviero quickly stated that the entire staff deserves credit.
As reported by The South African website on Saturday, Bucs required two late goals from Terrence Dzvukamanja and Vincent Pule when it appeared like the game would end in a 1-1 draw during stoppage time.
The 3-1 score was quickly credited to the club’s new striker’s coach, but Riveiro disagrees.
Riveiro stated via iDiskiTimes, “The contribution of all staff members is always crucial, regardless of how the game is evolving.”
Additionally, Chiefs target signs, but…
“We’re discussing another member of the staff, therefore his contribution is present.
“If he is working with us, there must be a reason. Today’s playing conditions were quite difficult for all of us. The support and technical staff did an excellent job.
“We must make numerous judgments prior to the game, over the week, during today’s game, and in the final 20 minutes.
“There were approximately three, four, or five ways to achieve that objective; I cannot do it alone.” The significance of coaching staff in the modern day is crucial. It should go without saying.
“I want all of them, including Scott, to feel important and like they contributed to today’s victory,” he said.
»Jose on the new Pirates striker’s coach«