Despite his murky underworld past, a Rebels bikie associate has been charged with the murder of a gangland “enforcer” described as having a “golden heart.”
Joshua Colin Duperouzel, 25, will face the charges in Perth Magistrates Court following his arrest last week for the attempted assassination of Joseph Versace in his Gnangara business.
The shooting is another blow to the family, who was already saddened by the death of Mario Versace’s father in October of 2020.
Duperouzel was caught in Belmont on Monday, only two hours after his face and name were broadcast by local media when he approached a stranger and begged for a sandwich.
Joseph Versace’s murder has been attributed to Joshua Colin Duperouzel (shown on the left).
Monday, Joshua Duperouzel, 25, was detained in Belmont.
The woman contacted the cops as he was eating her meal.
The Rebels’ associate was then charged with murder after being apprehended by dozens of heavily-armed police in the parking lot.
A witness told The West, “I heard someone yell “get down,” and when I looked over the balcony, they had him on the ground on his stomach with his hands behind his back.”
Police refused to confirm whether Duperouzel and Versace knew each other, but Major Crime Division Detective Inspector Quentin Flatman stated that ‘the event is somewhat related to a small group of individuals’
When queried about ties to illicit motorcycle gangs, he also described the 25-year-old accused of murder as being on the “periphery.”
Police are investigating the whereabouts of a black BMW X5 discovered abandoned in Glen Forrest shortly after the death of Versace.
However, Duperouzel’s social media accounts depict him wearing Rebels apparel and posing with other notable members, such as Joshua Benjamina and John Finch.
Finch has also been interrogated regarding the murder. Additionally, police are investigating the movements of a black BMW X5 that was discovered abandoned in Glen Forrest shortly after Versace’s murder.
Detective Inspector Flatman stated that the luxury four-wheel-drive was ‘directly linked’ to the murder.
Connie, Versace’s sister, told reporters in tears that he was the family’s pillar and that she was crushed by the loss of another family member.
Ms. Versace told 7News, “After my father passed away, my brother assured me he would accompany me down the aisle at my wedding, but that won’t happen.”
Ms. Versace stated that her brother had a golden heart and urged anyone with information on the location of his murderer to come forward.
Ms. Versace denied claims that her brother was affiliated with any bikie clubs, despite police claims that the shooting was linked to outlaw motorcycle gangs.
She stated, “He was not a biker, unlike what has been portrayed.”
It’s not all true, and that’s why I’m doing this: I want people to know he was an incredible individual.
Ms. Versace acknowledged that her brother may have had bikie acquaintances, as “many people do now.”
She stated, “He’s not a mobster, he wasn’t an angel, but who is? He’s done some foolish things.”
Ms. Versace stated that it infuriated her because her brother was associated with a criminal motorcycle gang and represented as a ‘horrible guy’
She referred to her brother as the “rock” that held the family together after the death of their father.