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There’s going to be a lot of legal opposition from the types of firms that for a long time have been taking taxpayers’ money to mount these sorts of cases, and to thwart the will of the people, the will of Parliament. We’re ready for that.

‘We will dig in for the fight and you know, we will make it work. We’ve got a huge flowchart of things we have to do to deal with it, with the Leftie lawyers.’

Mr Johnson rejects claims that the scheme is inhumane saying the Government has a duty to tackle the ‘evil trade’.

n Conservative MPs rounded on Jeremy Hunt last night after he claimed Mr Johnson has a ‘big mountain to climb’ to win the next general election.

The former foreign secretary said it was wrong to put the Conservatives’ losses at last week’s local elections down to mid-term blues.

‘To win an election, the Conservative Party has to promise a well-funded NHS and the prospect of tax cuts. If we make people choose between one or the other, we’re not going to win,’ he told Times Radio.

But a Tory ex-minister said: ‘History shows that divided parties lose elections. If Jeremy were to stop being so critical publicly and if he stopped his scheming … then the Tories’ chances of winning will be much better.’