Employment and Labour Director-General Thobile Lamati asserts that efforts must be redoubled to reposition the organization as the leader in the war against unemployment.
Lamati stated at the commencement of the Public Employment Services (PES) strategic planning conference, which is now taking place in Polokwane, that the department can no longer concentrate on the number of job seekers registered on their system.
“In redoubling our efforts, we must concentrate greater emphasis on the placement of people on our database… “Building relationships will be essential if we are to achieve success in this area,” added Lamati.
According to him, the National Labour Migration Policy (NLMP) draft and the National Employment Policy (NEP) are two crucial instruments for the evolving structure of the South African labor market.
The NLMP and the modified Employment Services (ES) Bill were introduced in February 2022 to control labour migration issues, but the NEP provides an overarching framework for employment difficulties, which includes the NLMP.
The NLMP and ES Bill are currently before legislators in Parliament, while the NEP draft has been completed and submitted to the Presidency for a Socioeconomic Impact Analysis.
Before being presented to Cabinet, the NEP will undergo thorough consultation with several departments and other stakeholders.
According to Lamati, the PES Branch has led the formulation of these policies.
“PES is a departmental division that helps businesses and employees adapt to changing labor market conditions. This is accomplished by the provision of employer services and work-seeker services, including the facilitation of subsidies to designated groups and the provision of special services to promote the employment of people with disabilities.
South Africa is not exempt, as it has one of the highest unemployment and inequality rates in the world, according to his statement.
“There is a significant problem with unemployment, which exacerbates inequality and poverty. While focusing on unattainable high economic development, the nation must immediately implement employment solutions.” The Public Employment Services Branch of the Department of Employment and Labor is important to this endeavor.
He stated that the issue of unemployment must be tackled by all parties involved.
“For this reason, during last week’s strategic planning session with the department’s senior management, I proposed for the establishment of an Employment War Room.
“We must expedite the execution of our industrial policy… COVID-19, the July riots, and the floods in KwaZulu-Natal have all contributed to rises in unemployment across South Africa and exacerbated inequality, with millions of people dependent on social assistance for their daily living,” he stated.
Lamati stated that the administration has announced a number of initiatives to aid in the revival of the economy and the creation of favorable conditions for growth.
“Increasing employment will necessitate measures that boost growth in sectors with the highest potential for job creation, as well as large-scale state employment interventions.
“These methods must also account for the high number of workers employed in the informal economy,” added Lamati.
On Friday, the two-day conference will conclude.