Lawak Lorenzo Henzel allegedly stabs 3yr old boy after a quarrel with the child’s mother

On Monday, July 25, a 23-year-old man from Petrusville in the Northern Cape was detained for the savage killing of his three-year-old stepson. The following day, he went before the neighborhood district court.

According to Mojafela Senokoatsane, a spokesman for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Lawak Lorenzo Henzel is accused of murder.

He was kept in detention until August 2 so that a lawyer could be hired and a prospective bail application could be made.

Henzel and the victim’s mother are said to have argued prior to the murder, according to the State and police.

“According to the allegations, the stepfather had a quarrel with the toddler’s mother, who was his ex-girlfriend. Apparently, the toddler’s mother came back to the suspect’s house, to collect her clothes and he refused her entry to the house,” said police spokesperson Captain Olebogeng Tawana.

The cops went back to the suspect’s home with the mother. Multiple stab wounds were discovered on the three-year-body, old’s and Henzel was allegedly discovered cowering beneath the bed before being apprehended.

The cops are still looking into the situation.

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