Legal team for one of Mandela funeral fraud accused to appeal Judge Stretch’s decision for refusing to recuse herself

The legal team for Phumlani Mkolo, who is one of the accused in Nelson Mandela funeral scandal, are appealing the decision of Judge Igna Stretch to refuse to recuse herself in the case.

They want the application for recusal to be heard by a different judge not by Stretch herself.

This follows the decline by Judge Stretch to recuse herself in this case.

Mkolo’s legal representatives are of the view that the judge had a pre-conceived judgement on the matter and also has a level of biasness.

They want to approach the Judge President on this matter.

The video below is reporting that Mandela fraud scandal accused seek recusal of Judge Igna Stretch from the case:

The start of the trial has been delayed by numerous applications for postponement.

The accused are charged with fraud, money laundering and contravention of the Municipal Finance Management Act.

They include former Buffalo City Speaker Luleka Simon-Ndzele, former Mayor Zukiswa Ncitha, former Deputy Mayor Themba Tinta, former Eastern Cape Health MEC Sindiswa Gomba and the Municipality’s former Supply Chain Manager, Thembelani Sali.

They have pleaded not guilty to the charges which relate to R10 million, allegedly embezzled from the Buffalo City Metro coffers during the memorial and funeral of former President Nelson Mandela in 2013.


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