Lidia Thorpe is almost expelled after calling Alex Antic racist

Controversial Greens senator Lidia Thorpe was nearly expelled from the Senate after calling a Liberal MP’s statement on “woke ideology” racist.

Senator Thorpe decided she had enough and interjected: 'Why do you have to be so racist?'

Senator Thorpe decided she had enough and interjected: 'Why do you have to be so racist?'

Greens Senator for Victoria Lidia Thorpe raises her fist during her swearing-in ceremony in the Senate chamber at Parliament House

Senator Alex Antic took the floor on Wednesday afternoon for a two minute statement decrying what he saw as the demise of Western civilisation

Senator Alex Antic took the floor on Wednesday afternoon for a two minute statement decrying what he saw as the demise of Western civilisation

Just hours before to Senator Thorpe’s stunt in the Marble Foyer of Parliament House as guests gathered for the Midwinter Ball, there was a furious parliamentary brawl.

Senator Alex Antic took the floor on Wednesday afternoon for a two-minute speech lamenting the collapse of Western civilization, as he saw it.

“Western culture has reached a critical juncture. ‘Left-wing activism ostensibly predicated on fairness, diversity, and inclusion leverages its partners in the media, corporate sector, and politics to suppress any views it disapproves of,’ he said.

Young adults lack historical understanding due to a curriculum devoid of Western history and replete with critical race theory and a sense of victimhood.

Senator Thorpe reached her breaking point and interjected, “Why must you be so racist?”

Deborah O’Neill, acting vice president of the Senate, demanded that woman halt disrupting proceedings as the chamber erupted.

“Senator Thorpe, you have exceeded your speaking time. You must limit your commentary to a level fit for the Senate,’ she advised.

The Greens representative objected that “this is my workplace” and that she would not tolerate Senator Antic’s shenanigans.

The opposition demanded that she retract her statement, but Senator Thorpe refused. She stated, “I am not withdrawing since that is a fact.”

“With all due respect, acting vice president, could you please inform me of the repercussions if I were to retract my remark about a racist and my lack of safety?”

Senator Alex Antic took the floor Wednesday afternoon for a two-minute speech in which he lamented what he perceived to be the collapse of Western civilization.

Senator O’Neill stated that she did not want to give Senator Thorpe a “platform to repeat the phrases that you’ve used” and switched off her microphone until she agreed to retract the “unparliamentary” remarks.

In defense of Senator Thorpe, her colleague Mehreen Faruqi noted racism was frequently “thrown around” in the chamber and needed to be called out.

She stated, “I believe those who spew racism should be cognizant of their actions and the effect it has on others.”

Senator O’Neill acknowledged Senator Faruqi’s reasoning, but stated that the remarks must still be retracted.

“With all due respect, I would like to know where in this parliament it is inappropriate to use the word ‘racist’ because I do not comprehend. I’m feeling assaulted…’ Senator Thorpe responded prior to being cut off.

Senator Thorpe, kindly return to your seat. Before moving on, the acting deputy speaker stated, “I assume that you are refusing to withdraw, so I will submit this matter to the Senate.”

Senator Thorpe reached her breaking point and interjected, “Why must you be so racist?”

Senator Thorpe withdrew her remarks when it was her turn to speak after being warned that she would be expelled from the Senate for a day if she did not.

After the incident, she issued a caustic statement in which she said that it was acceptable to be racist in parliament, but not to call it out.

This legislature punishes black women for denouncing racism, yet there are no repercussions for racism in the Senate chamber. She stated, “I am not safe in this workplace.”

“Had I not withdrawn, I may have been expelled from the chamber for a day, and the Greens would be one vote down.

They disconnected my microphone and instructed me to retract my comment. How does this contribute to a workplace where everyone is “safe and encouraged to contribute”?

It is “unparliamentary” to bring attention to racism, but not to be racist. Racism is a disease in the United States. It is violent and makes individuals physically ill.

Lidia Thorpe, Greens Senator for Victoria, raises her fist at her inauguration in the Senate chamber at Parliament House.

We must expedite and implement an anti-racist code of conduct for members of parliament to prevent this from occurring in the first place.

Senator Thorpe marched through the Marble Foyer of parliament hours later in blue jeans and an Aboriginal flag T-shirt while ranting about “fossil fools” with her fist and middle fingers outstretched.

The Midwinter Ball accepting Woodside Energy as a sponsor infuriated her, and she joined a protest on the lawn of Parliament House.

As people waited in line to join the event, Senator Thorpe later resurfaced yelling, “Stop killing the earth, you criminals!”

The address that provoked Lidia Thorpe

According to historical evidence, civilizations and empires are transient. There are growing indications that the Western culture has now reached a tipping point.

Left-wing activism, ostensibly centered on equality, diversity, and inclusion, employs its allies in the media, the corporate sector, and politics to censor any viewpoints with which it disagrees.

Too many of our contemporary leaders are unaware of this danger. They appear to believe protecting our beliefs is beneath them and that time is on our side. We do not.

The suicide and depression rates among our youth continue to soar. We have failed to instill a sense of meaning and purpose in them, replacing it with meaningless modern ideas such as climate alarmism.

As a result of eliminating Western history from the curriculum and replacing it with critical race theory and a sense of victimhood, young adults leave school with limited historical understanding.

Unfortunately, too many have cowered before these beliefs out of fear of being labeled isms and phobias, and they are wreaking devastation throughout the West.

During the past two and a half years, if there was ever a time when a principled defense of liberty was required in this country, it was then, yet we were informed that those who cared about liberty were dangerous fanatics.

We need more courageous men and women to defend future generations of Australians and pass on a culture superior to the one we inherited.

It’s time for our leaders to speak up for what’s right; we’ve become comfortable due to our relative prosperity and tranquility. Without decisive and immediate leadership, the West is doomed.

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