Lupus is a debilitating disease that can affect any organ in the body. Although there are several kinds of lupus, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the most prevalent and well-understood. The majority of the information below is about SLE.
Lupus develops when the immune system targets healthy tissue because the immune system can’t discern the difference between outside invaders like germs and viruses and the body. According to scientists, Lupus is thought to be caused by a combination of hormones, family history or genetic traits, and environmental variables.
Tiredness, joint pain, sensitivity to sunshine, and a butterfly-shaped rash on the cheeks and nose are some of the symptoms of lupus. Women account for nearly nine out of ten (90%) of those who have the condition. Even though there is known cure for lupus, with adequate treatment, many patients with the disease can manage their symptoms.
Key Facts
- There are four types of lupus. They are; Systemic lupus (the most common type), cutaneous lupus (this affects just the skin), drug-induced lupus (temporary), and neonatal lupus (affects newborn babies).
- Although some patients with lupus have no apparent symptoms, they may nonetheless experience unnoticed symptoms such as joint pain.
- A doctor should always be consulted if you have lupus. Most persons with lupus can live a normal, satisfying life with the right treatment.
- Lupus is not contagious. It is not sexually transmitted or infectious.
Common Symptoms of Lupus
Lupus can affect several organs in the body, resulting in a variety of symptoms. These symptoms may emerge and subside, and appear at different times throughout the course of the disease.
- Reoccurring muscle or joint pain
- Feeling tired or exhausted often
- High fever
- Hair loss and scalp scarring
Prevention Tips
Although lupus cannot be prevented, people with the disease can take actions to manage it and prevent or reduce flare-ups:
- It’s critical for patients with lupus to take their prescriptions exactly as prescribed by their doctors. Even if a person with lupus isn’t unwell, taking lupus drugs as directed can help avoid flare-ups and reduce side effects.
- In many persons with lupus, UV radiation from the sun and other light sources can cause flares. UV rays can provoke a lupus flare if you stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., apply sunscreen every day, and wear sun-protective clothes
- Flares can be triggered by emotional stress and tiredness. It is critical for persons with lupus to receive enough rest and sleep. Flares can also be avoided by planning ahead of time for tasks and asking for assistance when needed.
- Though there’s no specific diet for persons with lupus, it is crucial to eat a range of nutritional foods, such as fruits and veggies, whole grains, and moderate amounts of lean protein like meat, fish, and beans. Alfalfa has been linked to lupus flares, thus people with the disease should avoid it.